Part of Euradopt minutes - written by Elisabeth Sandberg

1 October 2007

October 2007


Part of Euradopt minutes - written by Elisabeth Sandberg

- Jennifer Degeling from the Permanent Bureau in the Hague and representatives of four Central Authorities had a meeting with the NAC delegates. All parties agreed that we need a concerted effort to try and influence the ideas within the European Union, where it has been argued that inter-country adoption is not a child protection measure and is a last resort. I regard our discussion as a step forward in the EU issue.

We were also informed that the Good Practise Guide on the Hague Adoption Convention will be published soon, probably before the end of the year.

European Union

The Italian commissioner for Freedom, Security and Justice, Mr Frattini, has issued a tender for a study about adoption legislation in Europe. The time limit was Sept 21. When a tenderer is known, EurAdopt will contact him/her/them and offer our co-operation. The purpose of the study is i.a. to identify possible solutions to difficulties which prevent European citizens from exercising parental responsibility, and to study the possibility of setting up a Euroean adoption procedure between members states. Thankyou AiBi for informing the Executive Board!

It is of continued importance that the EurAdopt members contact their respective commissioner and members of European Parliament about the informal and negative attitude to intercountry adoption which has been expressed within EU. If you need renewed material or more arguments, you can email me.