International Social Service General Secretariat

19 October 2016

Working Group on illicit practices in adoption: Ms. Mia Dambach and Professor David Smolin both represented ISS General Secretariat. The Working Group referred to a number of resources ISS has developed, including the Grey Zones study, Responding to Illegal Adoptions and a Guide for Prospective Adopters as being extremely valuable for implementing in practice the goals of the working group. Together with UNICEF, ISS emphasized the need to ensure that the environment creating illicit practices was addressed as well as the needs of past victims. ISS looks forward to continue the collaboration with the working group to further develop tools.

HCCH | Meeting of the Working Group on illicit practices in adoption


HCCH | Meeting of the Working Group on illicit practices in adoption

Hague Conference on Private International Law - The World Organisation for Cross-border Co-operation in Civil and Commercial Matters

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Parvathi Rabin

What's about protection of people who are reconnecting ? I am French expatriate in India and I'm facing moral harassment from both Indian an French community in since I've told that I'm reconnecting with my biological family...

7 y


Arun Dohle

It s high time they take us adult adoptees serious. With all respect to Prof. David Smolin, he knows a lot, but he has not the amount of first hand extensive field experience as we have. I don't know any other organization who has done such field research, litigation and work on policy level. Amazing that doors are closed for us from ACT.