Stop au trafic d'enfants et aux adoptions illegales !

23 September 2021

Marathon day yesterday at the UN headquarters in Geneva, Switzerland.

Morning of meetings with the Belgian member of the Children's Rights Committee, Benoit Van Keirsbilck, as well as the representatives of Child Rights Connect, a umbrella organization bringing together a large number of NGOs and associations campaigning for children's rights.

Intense afternoon, during our hearing by the UN Committee on Enforced Disappearances, where the issue of children stolen at birth to be offered for adoption was on the agenda.

Mariela Sr – Coline Fanon ( Racines Perdues – Raíces Perdidas ) testified to her fight and her moving story. Abducted at birth in Guatemala, she was declared dead, then sold for adoption in Belgium to parents who were unaware of this odious traffic.

For my part, I presented the motion for a resolution that I tabled in the House and which aims to give all those concerned in Belgium the status of victim and to begin an in-depth investigation into these illegal adoptions.

The State can no longer turn a blind eye to this child trafficking which is still taking place on an international scale, including towards our country!

My text will be taken into consideration this evening by the plenary session of the House of Representatives. We can then start the debates in committee.