Title |
Publication date |
Parliamentary assistants affair: has François Bayrou, the new Prime Minister, been definitively exonerated? |
13 December 2024 |
Intergroup on Children's Rights |
17 July 2024 |
Children's rights in Europe |
30 May 2024 |
21 March 2024 |
A first in the world of international adoption in France: a judicial investigation opens for adults born in Romania. |
26 January 2024 |
EU Parliament Designates Surrogacy as Human Trafficking |
6 October 2023 |
European Parliament takes a step against surrogacy |
6 October 2023 |
Human trafficking: MEPs want strong focus on victims’ rights |
5 October 2023 |
Amending Directive 2011/36/EU on preventing and combating trafficking in human beings and protecting its victims |
2 October 2023 |
Italian parties clash over same-sex adoption |
30 March 2023 |
Legislative Train Schedule European Parliament - Cross-border aspects of adoptions In “Area of Justice and Fundamental Rights” |
20 March 2023 |
Committee on the Family: Ban adoption from the Congo and establish expert body |
25 January 2023 |
Daily: Croatian child adoption case attracts attention of European Parliament |
16 January 2023 |
Proposal on the jurisdiction, applicable law, recognition of decisions and acceptance of authentic instruments in matters of parenthood |
7 December 2022 |
13 October 2022 |
A Romanian woman testifies to the Council of Europe about the trauma experienced in communist orphanages |
11 October 2022 |
JOINT MOTION FOR A RESOLUTION on human rights violations in the context of the forced deportation of Ukrainian civilians to and |
14 September 2022 |
Petition · Investigation committee - Illegal adoptions in Europe · Change.org |
12 March 2021 |
Implementation of Directive 2011/36/EU: Migration and gender issues |
1 September 2020 |
Oana Paraschiva Harvalia, the "Romanian" wife of Gunther Krichbaum, also an expert in international adoptions like the Iohannis |
16 July 2020 |
International Social Services, from India to Romania (Part 3) |
30 April 2020 |
Bucharest EU Children’s Declaration on Child Participation in Decision-Making at National and EU levels |
6 May 2019 |
21 April 2019 |
Tajani in hot water again for World Congress of Families conference |
20 February 2019 |
Feasibility Study for a Child Guarantee: Children in alternative care |
12 February 2019 |
EP Event Intergroup Transparency/Organised Crime: Dark Side of Adoption |
7 November 2018 |
Written Question Sabine Verheyen EU funding Amici dei Bambini |
24 September 2018 |
Dolors Montserrat proposes a State Pact for Children based on the promotion, protection and participation of minors in society |
24 January 2018 |
European Parliament demands action on EU-wide recognition of adoptions |
2 February 2017 |
MEPs call for automatic cross-border recognition of adoptions |
2 February 2017 |
Council of Europe rejects surrogacy guidelines |
17 October 2016 |
European Parliament - Regulating international surrogacy arrangements - state of play |
21 July 2016 |
Written Question Morano about adoptions in Congo, Reply Mogherini |
15 June 2016 |
Adoption of children in the European Union |
1 June 2016 |
European Parliament: Briefing - Adoption of children in the European Union |
1 June 2016 |
EP Workshop on cross-border adoption |
1 December 2015 |
29 November 2015 |
10 November 2015 |
"Bébé à vendre 120.000€", une organisation en fait la pub au siège du gouvernement bruxellois |
3 May 2015 |
Eurochild: Open letter to European Commission: Seeking successor to EU Agenda for the Rights of the Child |
30 April 2015 |
Congo. Si intensifica l’attività diplomatica per risolvere il blocco delle adozioni. Le missioni dell’Autorità Centrale francese |
8 April 2015 |
Parliamentary Question: Subject: Corruption in Bulgaria's child adoption procedures |
3 March 2015 |
MOTION FOR A RESOLUTIONon setting up a European agency for the adoption of children within the EU |
8 January 2015 |
New intergroup on children’s rights at the European Parliament |
11 December 2014 |
Speech Nicole Marie Meyer - The Experience of a Whistleblower |
9 December 2014 |
EP Petition Committee Forced Adoptions |
11 November 2014 |
Documentary Suche Kind Zahle Bar on ARD (German national TV) |
26 April 2014 |
MEPs must investigate this child-snatching scandal (UK) |
6 April 2014 |
Early day motion 1239 - Hemming |
1 April 2014 |
Invitation EP Conference 'From Kennedy Law to Berlin Wall) |
6 November 2013 |
Press Release MEP Adam Kosa |
6 November 2013 |
Cappellari: "L’auspicio è che i parlamentari rumeni arrivino finalmente a riaprire le adozioni internazionali" |
1 October 2013 |
The European Commission and intercountry adoption from Romania |
1 February 2013 |
EP Round Table and Exhibition |
8 June 2012 |
European Parliament Round Table - Note for the File |
8 June 2012 |
Briefing Note: European Parliament event Hope & Homes |
8 June 2012 |
EU told to do more to end child institutionalisation |
6 June 2012 |
Gezinnen, geen kinderhuizen: tentoonstelling en rondetafel lezing in Europees Parlement |
6 June 2012 |
Adoptionsforum: What does the EU think about international adoption? |
22 May 2012 |
Gregorian Bivolaru / MISA case debated in the European Parliament |
11 April 2012 |
New Meeting between Bulgarian Adoption agencies and the Deputy Minister of Justice |
14 February 2012 |
New adoption law makes it possible for Romanians abroad to adopt children from Romania |
25 November 2011 |
European Parliament - Petition Simone Eiler (video) |
15 June 2011 |
EP Petition Meeting = Petition Simone Eiler |
June 2011 |
MEPs demand easing of adoption restrictions |
26 January 2011 |
International Adoptions: Coordinating by the EU of the Rules |
19 January 2011 |
European Parliament adopts joint motion for resolution on international adoptions (See link Romania for export ONly) |
18 January 2011 |
Written Question Roberta Angelilli (PPE) & Reply |
27 November 2010 |
Child Trafficking New Form Of Slavery |
4 October 2010 |
Lobby in contact with Cohn-Bendit |
5 July 2010 |
COM 2010 95 Proposal for a DIRECTIVE OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND OF THE COUNCIL on preventing and combating trafficking in hu |
26 June 2010 |
Note CD to JLS - intercountry adoption ROmania |
8 June 2010 |
CE va "urmari indeaproape" situatia adoptiilor internationale din Romania |
28 April 2010 |
Romanian President: Country’s Adoption Law Will Not Change During My Term |
22 April 2010 |
Petition 1120/2009 on Romania’s fulfilment of international conventions on children’s rights |
1 April 2010 |
Amici dei Bambini EP Petition rejected; Romanian adoptions remain closed |
31 March 2010 |
Lettera shock dalla Romania:”negli istituti hanno violentato il nostro futuro.” |
26 March 2010 |
Report from Brussels: Amici dei Bambini Petition rejected, Romanian adoptions to remain closed |
23 March 2010 |
Din Malta,cu dragoste:povestea unui copil adoptat |
23 March 2010 |
Reopening of adoptions in Romania? The issue is addressed in Petitions Committee |
8 March 2010 |
WRITTEN QUESTION by Cristiana Muscardini (PPE) to the Commission |
4 March 2010 |
EP Petition and reply European Commission |
19 February 2010 |
Youtube: Press conference Strasbourg |
19 February 2008 |
Press statement - Towards a European Procedure for Adoption (Declaration also drafted by Maud de Boer) |
13 February 2008 |
Press Release: Towards a European procedure for adoption |
12 February 2008 |
What does the EU think about international adoption? |
30 January 2008 |
Jean-Marie Cavada préfère Paris à Strasbourg |
15 January 2008 |
Romania urged to resume international adoptions |
16 January 2007 |
Press Release: “They need a home” |
20 November 2006 |
Bertzi: Romania, santajata de europarlamentari sa reia exportul de copii |
11 November 2006 |
Libera circulatie a orfanilor |
18 October 2006 |
Carcera la orfelinatul lui Tiriac? |
12 September 2006 |
Criticata de colegi - "Emma nu mai are legitimitate" |
27 July 2006 |
Petition in favor of families victims of the Romanian moratorium on adoptions |
4 July 2006 |
MEPs collect signatures in favor of inter-country adoption |
19 June 2006 |
MEPs collect signatures in favor of inter-country adoption |
16 June 2006 |
Letter to MEP Ana Gomes (French Lobby) |
6 June 2006 |
Invitation: SOS children in Romania |
25 April 2006 |
21 April 2006 |
Schaafs, Bradley to Travel to Brussels to Meet with EU Officials About Status of Pending Adoption Cases in Romania |
17 April 2006 |
Wikileaks - Viewing cable 09STATE112828, DEMARCHE REQUEST ON THE GOLDSTONE REPORT - Romania - ITALY |
23 March 2006 |
23 March 2006 |
The orphans of our discontent |
2 February 2006 |
U.S. Backs European Request for Romanian Adoptions To Proceed |
16 December 2005 |
Romania - Accelerated Reform Needed - McGuinness |
26 November 2005 |
Trafficking in children in Guatemala |
7 July 2005 |
EP Resolution on the trafficking in children in Guatemala |
5 July 2005 |
JCICS Board Meeting - US inside EP |
17 June 2005 |
29 April 2005 |
A One-Woman War Against Intercountry Adoption |
4 February 2005 |
Stop adozioni in Romania: parla Melita Cavallo |
15 June 2004 |
Child trafficking in Guatemala European Parliament resolution on child trafficking in Guatemala |
12 March 2004 |
France admits having adopted 73 Romanian children |
17 February 2004 |
Romania: Brussels' Tough Stance Sends Clear Signal To Other EU Hopefuls |
5 February 2004 |
SCHRIFTLICHE ANFRAGE E-3261/01 von Joke Swiebel (PSE) an die |
23 November 2001 |
EP letter to Kreutz: exceptional thanks for endless engagement of COM workers |
26 June 2001 |
Traffico di bimbi, Bucarest blocca le adozioni |
20 March 2001 |
Romanian orphans provokes storm in Parliament |
7 April 2000 |
Resolution on the illegal trafficking of babies coming from Guatemala |
14 April 1999 |
SCHRIFTLICHE ANFRAGE Nr. 3398/98 von Guido PODESTÀ an die Kommission. Adoption von minderjährigen Kindern |
17 November 1998 |
Report on improving the law and cooperation between the Member States on the adoption of minors |
22 November 1996 |
Motion on improving the law and cooperation between the Member States on the adoption of minors |
22 November 1996 |
Entschließung zur Verbesserung des Rechts und der Zusammenarbeit zwischen den Mitgliedstaaten auf dem Gebiet der Adoption von Mi |
1 January 1996 |