COM 2010 95 Proposal for a DIRECTIVE OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND OF THE COUNCIL on preventing and combating trafficking in hu

26 June 2010

The information here reflects the current status of the procedure
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Reference COD/2010/0065
Title Preventing and combating trafficking in human beings, and protecting victims (repeal. Framework Decision 2002/629/JHA)
Legal Basis EP 051 ; TFEU 083-p1-a1; TFEU 082-p2
Dossier of the committee LIBE/7/02676
Subject(s) Action to combat violence and trade in human beings
7.40.04 Judicial cooperation in criminal matters
Stage reached Awaiting Parliament 1st reading / single reading / budget 1st stage
Stages Documents: references Dates
Source reference Equivalent references Votes and amendments Joint resolution of document of publication in Official Journal
Commission/Council: initial legislative document EC COM(2010)0095 C7-0087/2010 29/03/2010
EP: draft report by the committee responsible EP PE442.887 28/06/2010
07/10/2010 Council: debate or examination expected
24/11/2010 EP plenary sitting (indicative date)
02/12/2010 Council: debate or examination expected
European Parliament
Rapporteur / Co-rapporteurs
Political group Appointed
Civil Liberties, Justice and Home Affairs (responsible)
Bauer Edit
Hedh Anna
Women’s Rights and Gender Equality (opinion)
Bauer Edit
Hedh Anna
European Commission and Council of the Union
European Commission DG Justice Transmission date: 29/03/2010
Council of the Union
Justice and Home Affairs (JHA) meeting: 3018 of: 03/06/2010
Links to other sources
National parliaments IPEX
European Commission PreLex

03/06/2010 - Council's activities
The Council agreed on a general approach regarding a directive aimed at strengthening the fight against trafficking in human beings and the protection of victims.

In March 2010, the Commission adopted its proposal on the file. Once adopted, the new rules will replace framework decision 2002/629/JHA. The goal is to further approximate national legislation and to improve international law enforcement and judicial cooperation. The provisions of the future directive include:

a definition of the crime, aggravating circumstances and stiffer penalties;
extraterritorial jurisdiction making it possible to prosecute EU nationals for crimes committed abroad and to use investigative tools such as phone listening and access to financial data;
special treatment of the victims in criminal proceedings including non-punishment of victims who suffer the consequences of the criminal activities;
a higher standard of protection and assistance for victims, and in particular special protective measures for children;
preventive measures aimed at discouraging the demand side of the phenomenon.

List of summaries
03/06/2010 Council's activities
29/03/2010 Commission/Council: initial legislative document
