Adoption of Congolese children by Belgian couples: the director of the orphanage arrested
6 November 2015

What exactly is happening in Congo for the 11 adopted children who were to be transported to Belgium after, on Monday, the Congolese justice agreed to lift the moratorium on adoptions by foreign couples. At the beginning of the afternoon, via the site of the daily "Vers l'Avenir", we learned of the arrest by the Congolese police of the director of the orphanage where the children were staying. An arrest which should "facilitate" the return of the children. Explanations.

Yesterday evening, guest of the program "Jeudi en bonus" on Une Télé, the Minister of Foreign Affairs, Mr. R. Didier Reynders explained that "everything was ALMOST settled"in this file. Almost indeed. Word was needed after the impressive series of ups and downs for two years and so many twists that have already put the nerves of the adoptive parents to the test. Return on the last episodes of this saga: Monday, after long international negotiations, the Congolese justice decided to finally lift the moratorium imposed for two years on the adoptions of Congolese children by foreign couples - the DRC advancing the fear of mistreatment or of adoptions by same-sex couples. On Monday, the Congolese green light therefore unblocked the files of 69 children eagerly awaited by foreign couples, including 11 intended for Belgian couples. Tuesday, the Minister of Foreign Affairs Didier Reynders received the parents and reassured them. Their case would soon be resolved - Didier Reynders who discouraged any future adoption linked to the Congo. In this case, Foreign Affairs promised to take care of the plane tickets for the children, the Wallonia-Brussels Federation agreed to pay part of the costs caused by the prolonged stay of the children in their orphanage.

Financial fears of orphanage staff

Because behind the scenes, intense negotiations were also taking place between Congolese and Belgian authorities and the director of the orphanage. Juliette Mpemba came back regularly with the question of the financial arrears to be paid (health care, food, miscellaneous purchases, staff costs, rent of the building); it was about $ 25,000. The director who evoked a "certain tension" with her staff, awaiting payment, a staff very worried and fearing that nothing would be paid, once the children left. However, the Belgian authorities officially promised that the financial situation would be resolved once the children arrived in Belgium.

Surprise arrest

And now, in the early afternoon, this Friday, we learned of the arrest of director Juliette Mpemba by the Congolese police. While on a phone call with a journalist from "Vers l'Avenir". Information taken, it is in fact the Congolese Ministry of Justice (Minister Alexis Thambwe Mwambaqui) which suddenly urged the prosecution to act and intervene. And we learn that in fact a complaint was lodged by the Belgian Embassy against the director, for "obstruction" in the evacuation of the children. Children who would have been put "in safety". No further information for the moment, Belgian Foreign Affairs is in the process of informing the parents concerned. Foreign Affairs ensuring once again that the children should arrive in Belgium as quickly as possible ... Without further details. We are now waiting for the Democratic Republic of the Congo to issue everyone with the official exit document.