Kinderarts Jan D.V. leek een onbesproken man, maa… (Pediatrician Jan D.V. seemed an impeccable man, but…)

22 June 2022

Pediatrician Jan DV seemed an impeccable man, but has now been caught for the second time with child pornography

With candy as bait, Jan DV (50), a pediatrician by profession in Zedelgem in West Flanders, tried a few months ago to lure a boy. After a complaint, a house search followed and the discovery of child pornography on his PC. What no one knew was that the impeccable father – who also runs a charity project with street children – already had a much older secret in the village.

"Do you want some candy?" With those words Jan DV (50) tried a few months ago to lure a boy from the neighborhood into his car. The boy managed to escape and immediately alerted his parents. His father then went to the police, who went looking for an unknown child molester.

Finally, the investigators came to Jan DV. He is known in the area because he has been running a doctor's office for decades in Veldegem, a sub-municipality of Zedelgem, with his wife, who is also a trained pediatrician. The two have three children and enjoy an impeccable reputation.

Benefactors with a big children's heart

They are known far beyond Zedelgem as excellent doctors. As well-wishers with a big heart too. Twenty-five years ago, they set up a children's home in India with Indian friends. That after they encountered two children during their internship together, tied to a tree. The father of the two, from the lowest caste, turned out to be an alcoholic. The signal for the two pediatricians to establish home Saranlava, which stands for “security.”

Life's work in India

It became their life's work. Jan DV and his wife regularly set up collection campaigns from Belgium for their Indian children's hospital, located in the province of Madras. It sounds like all their savings go to there.

The project of his life: working with street children in India.

Whenever the West Flemish couple arrived there, they were welcomed with bells and whistles. On the internet you will find plenty of group photos, with the couple posing in the middle and children laughing. A close relative of Jan DV is also involved in the charity project.

Applauded because of project

Saranlava takes care of more than fifty street children today, which in turn has led to the winning of several prizes in Belgium. For example, Jan DV's wife even became woman of the year in a popular newspaper. Their seemingly limitless commitment created almost limitless confidence.

Caught but escaped

What nobody knew was that Jan DV had been carrying a secret for two decades that nobody in the village knew about. Twenty years ago, he was caught in possession of child pornography. That confirms a judicial source. Little is known about the exact facts, but it is certain that the judicial file ended with a suspension. Jan DV pleaded guilty, but was not punished. The big advantage for the West Flemish child pornography owner: he was able to keep his clean criminal record and was therefore not even reprimanded by higher medical authorities (see side piece) . He could therefore continue to work as a pediatrician, and continue to travel abroad undisturbed to work with children in vulnerable positions. It is not known whether criminal offenses were committed there as well. As far as is known, there are no ongoing investigations in India.

Again against the lamp

After the incident with the boy who tried to lure Jan DV with candy, the detectives were at his door again. Another search followed, during which some computers belonging to the couple were seized. It was again a prize on one of the hard drives: child pornography was again found. It is not known how large the pediatrician's secret collection was, and which images are involved. After a police interrogation, in which he admitted the facts, just like twenty years ago, he was brought before the investigating judge. He was arrested and transferred to the prison of Bruges.

At least a month in jail

The pediatrician from Veldegem has been in jail since last week, last Friday the Bruges council chamber confirmed his arrest with a month. The West Flemish public prosecutor confirms this, but otherwise it is scant to comment because the investigation is still in the initial phase. But it seems likely that after he managed to escape for the first time, Jan DV's career as a pediatrician is irrevocably over.

Order of Physicians: “Must wait for legal truth”

How can someone who was already under investigation twenty years ago for possession of child pornography remain active as a pediatrician? Michel Deneyer, Vice-President of the Order of Physicians, first says this: "A pediatrician should be the primary guardian of the safety and well-being of children, that's what makes this news so shocking." Only: he fell out of the sky when he heard the news. “When doctors are convicted of criminal offences, this is usually brought up by the courts. If it concerns serious facts, or facts related to the appeal, we can start disciplinary proceedings. But this man was not punished at the time. I can only assume that is why nothing has come to the fore.”

But again, if a pediatrician in possession of child pornography can remain a pediatrician, isn't there something wrong with the existing mechanisms? “We cannot conduct investigative acts and must await the legal truth,” says Deneyer. “I can say this: the Order of Doctors functions according to KB79 from 1969. That Royal Decree is a straitjacket that is not in line with the current zeitgeist of transparency, and that needs to be renewed. But let it be clear: if serious matters come on our radar, they are also treated seriously.” (jvr
