Bought children, doctored files… A generation of adoptees in search of the truth

24 December 2013

Tamara Fierens (37) from Borgerhout lost both her parents earlier this year. Six months later, the hospitalization costs have not yet been fully reimbursed. "A little bit of humanity would be nice," she says.

Koen DeBeuckeleer

Tuesday, December 24, 2013 at 3:30 PM

Tamara Fierens lost both her parents this spring. Where normally the grieving process starts, a new agony started for Tamara. After all, reclaiming the hospitalization money went much less smoothly than expected. 'My parents have dutifully paid for hospitalization insurance all their lives,' says Tamara. 'Normally you don't expect any problems. But in the meantime I've already sacrificed many a free morning calling the insurance company and insurance agent.'
