Aibi in Congo to promote the right of minors to grow up in the family

30 July 2021

The international cooperation project "From our heart to that of Africa", in the wake of the initiatives born after the death of Ambassador Attanasio

Kinshasa, Goma, the province of North Kivu and Bas Congo. The Friends of Children Association ( Aibi ) has been present in the Democratic Republic of Congo since 2007 , with numerous projects. A commitment that became even more decisive following the death of the Italian ambassador Luca Attanasio , with whom Aibi had begun to collaborate fruitfully. The new international cooperation project "From our heart to that of Africa" ??also fits into this groove, co-financed by the Commission for international adoptions in the Democratic Republic of the Congo, of which Aibi is the coordinating body, which formally began on July 26, with an overall budget of around 700,000 euros.

The activities, anticipateby the association, will take place over 18 months between the cities of Goma, Mbuji Mayi and Kinshasa and will be carried out in partnership with the Vis, with the Congolese organizations Kimbiliyo and Solidarité Pour le Développement and with the authorized bodies for international adoption Cifa and Naaa. The goal, reads a note, is to "promote the right of minors to live and grow up in a family, encouraging recourse to family reintegration, foster care and adoption for orphaned and out-of-family minors in the Republic Democrat of the Congo". The beneficiaries will be, in particular, 184 children, welcomed in the Don Bosco Ngangi center in Goma and in the Don Bosco Muetu Center in Mbuji Mayi, and 101 children welcomed in the Sodas and Fed centers in Goma, "who will be guaranteed assistance, psychosocial accompaniment and , where possible, family reintegration or alternative family care solutions". Similarly, "100 vulnerable minors in the Ngaliema and Kintambo districts of Kinshasa will be guaranteed the right to study as well as educational and pedagogical support".

Overall, "there will be 600 minors attending the primary school of the St. Georges Mission in Kinshasa who will have the opportunity to strengthen their learning thanks to extra-curricular activities". Not only that: the project, clarified by Aibi, is also aimed at "over 100 families of origin and foster families who will be provided with material support for the implementation of income-generating activities or who will be the recipients of parenting accompaniment and support courses" . Finally, «there are numerous awareness-raising activities on abandonment and the right of the minor to live in the family aimed at Congolese communities and public authorities; the estimate is that with these activities we can reach over 3 thousand people between civil society and representatives of the institutions".
