Tumaini helps the children of Congo

25 August 2009

The ASBL Tumaini (which means hope in Swahili) was created in Namur to help children living in the Democratic Republic of Congo. It is a question, first, of allowing children whose parents are deceased or unable to pay school fees to start their schooling and those who have dropped out of school to go back to school.

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The second objective of the association is the adoption of Congolese children abandoned following certain events, including war, in particular, and/or poverty. It was during a stay in her country of origin, the Democratic Republic of Congo, that Julienne Mpemba made a dramatic observation. In his neighborhood, many children do not go to school. In question: the financial impossibility for many of them to pay their school fees. “The Congolese State has disengaged from its obligations with regard to the care of teachers in public schools, a phenomenon which began in 1991, she indicates. The parents then assumed the responsibility of taking the place of the Congolese State by taking charge of the various costs demanded by the school administrators, of where the establishment of the system of support for teachers by parents. This system takes the form of the payment of a premium which varies according to the schools. In recent years, the Congolese state has made considerable efforts. But, in spite of an important intervention of the Government in the sector of education, one notes that many infrastructures are dilapidated, the school material misses, the number of teachers is insufficient”. More than 12 million children (ie more than one child in two), and particularly orphans, still do not have access to school. The second observation made by Julienne is the large number of babies and children abandoned, either because they are orphans, or because they are sick, or because of the poverty in which their parents live. Thus in June 2008, Julienne and eight other volunteers founded the association. The first objective is to help and encourage orphaned and/or poor children in the Congo to continue their studies, and allow them to flourish both physically and intellectually. The association also intervenes in the event of the illness of sponsored children and can extend support activities to parents and families through the micro-credit system. To help them in this task, you can sponsor the studies of a child, become a member of the association or provide financial assistance. In order to raise funds for Congolese children, Tumaini organizes this August 29 a show by Pie Tshibanda "I am not a wizard" at the Salle André Guisset in Namur. Julienne: 0477/88.58.41. www.tumaini.be.
