Italian magazine reports on sexual abuse cases in Bulgarian home for children deprived of parental care

12 January 2013

Italian magazine reports on sexual abuse cases in Bulgarian home for children deprived of parental care

12 January 2013 | 20:12 | FOCUS News Agency

Home / Bulgaria

Sofia. In a shocking article the Italian weekly newsmagazine L'espresso reports on a case of pedophilia in a Bulgarian home for children deprived of parental care, Bulgarian National Radio (BNR) reported.

The adoptive families of the Bulgarian children reported the sexual abuse cases to the Italian institutions last October, reads the magazine. However, it is possible that the Bulgarian authorities has not received officially the pedophilia signal yet.

After their children told them about the sexual abuse in the home in Bulgaria, on 12 October the adoptive parents notified by phone and e-mail the Italian association that helped in the adoption – Ai.Bi. in Milan. The author of the article writes that the association director Marco Griffini referred the signal to the Italian commission for international adoptions a few days ago. The state commission for adoptions is responsible for handing the information to the Bulgarian authorities officially. Shocked by the delay of more than two months in the information transfer, the adoptive parents sent a letter a few weeks ago to the Italian commission for adoptions, which is presided by Social Affairs Minister Andrea Riccardi. The seven-page letter gives shocking information about sexual abuse in the Bulgarian home. Three of the 15 children adopted in 2012 from the same children’s home close to Sofia told psychologists in words and with the help of pictures and anatomic dolls how they fell victims to pedophiles. Their testimonies were recorded on footage and experts do not mistrust them.

Speaking with BNR, the Bulgarian Justice Ministry said that at the end of December it received a signal from the Bulgarian Agency for Child Protection regarding children sexually abused while living in a social home close to Sofia. A check was immediately launched into all adoptions in Italy and the Italian authorities were asked for cooperation. The check has not been completed yet. It is still not clear which home the children lived in.

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