Migrant children, left without a mother by accidents in the Mediterranean, have found a second chance thanks to two Sicilian fam

20 July 2019

Migrant children, left without a mother by accidents in the Mediterranean, have found a second chance thanks to two Sicilian families

They are called Noelia and Isabel and to unite them is a common past. Both are "orphans of the sea". Two girls, that is, who have lost their natural mothers in the crossing of the desperate in the Mediterranean, from Africa to Italy. Here, however, they found, both, an adoptive family. And, with this, that second opportunity that those who gave their lives did not, unfortunately, have.

Their moving story was told by their adoptive mothers. Both seem to come from Nigeria. Although little is known about their past. Noelia arrived in 2015, Isabel a year later. To take them on a sea journey to Italy, on a boat, on which they traveled with their respective parents. The one on which Noelia was traveling caught fire. She, survived only 23 days old, was rescued by a fishing boat. The 23, however, is a number that is also linked to the history of Isabel. 23 were, in fact, the people, including herself, who were saved among the 100 who undertook that damn trip. The mother protected her as much as she could from the burning sun, which took away her life. Protected by another woman, the child managed to reach Italy alive.

"Of their past - said Margherita and Sofia (the names are fancy), the adoptive mothers - we know practically nothing, we presume the nationality because they were mostly Nigerians on the barge. We don't know the day of birth, the real name, who their mother was, nothing. It was the Court, after medical examinations following the landing, to decide for them. Not even a birth certificate ".

But the documents do not serve when the miracle of adoption comes into play. " It was love at first sight. Yes, they changed our lives ", say the two women who made Noelia and Isabel again" daughters ". Both were placed in a family home for some time before the adoption.

"We were both on the waiting list for the adoption of a child - the mothers said - We did not choose to adopt it ourselves, we accepted the Court's request without hesitation and accepted their story". "We only had five days to decide, but we didn't even have a doubt " - says mamma Margherita.

And so, after the first few years in custody, for about a year Noelia and Isabel are really daughters again. To all effects.

Source Alqamah.it
