Recovery found. Griffini (Ai.Bi.) "Now off to the reform of International Adoption"
21 July 2020

Recovery found. Griffini (Ai.Bi.) "Now off to the reform of International Adoption"

Posted on July 21, 2020

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Griffini: "The time has come to also reform International Adoption in our country, starting from ten simple rules : less bureaucracy, bonuses for families and from 2021 the gratuity of International Adoptions". Here is the decalogue drawn up by the president of Ai.Bi. for a concrete and possible restart.

The moment of restart has arrived. The agreement on the 209 billion of recovery found, which will arrive in Italy, can mark a turning point for the recovery of the international adoption sector, but a reform is urgently needed.

Europe asks us to make reforms in order not to waste incoming funds and to invest them well, transforming Italy from a country with a birth rate close to zero to a nation that invests in the future, new generations and children. In Italy, a country where International Adoption has always been the flagship of family hospitality, it has gone from over 4,000 annual adoptions in 2010 to less than a thousand in 2019 and there is a risk, for 2020, of drop below 500. It therefore seems clear that there is an urgent need for reform and International Adoption can be an excellent opportunity to build the future of Italy.

" This money was given to us to be spent well - underlines Marco Griffini president of Ai.Bi. - Our country is still second only to the United States today, in the world in terms of number of international adoptions, even if, in recent years, the system has experienced a stalemate on which the ongoing health emergency has not benefited . - continues the President Ai.Bi. - it's time to leave. International adoption can be an excellent opportunity to help build the future of Italy:if supported by the Italian families they have shown that they "know how to do it", not for nothing has Italy always been the first in the rankings of the International Adoption in proportion to its population and second overall after the United States. However, an urgent reform is needed . "

A reform that will have to take into account 10 fundamental principles to be effective .

Sburocratization of the system that is obtained with the banal application of law 476/98, totally disregarded in recent years, by public services and Juvenile Courts, as regards the goal of the same which was to set certain and safe times for bureaucracy could not slow down the path.

The creation of a system of parallel channels between the services of public bodies and those of authorized bodies, for the management of couples' training activities.

The elimination of the bureaucratic passage of the judicial suitability, issued by the Juvenile Court, for the benefit of a regional commission that evaluates the training path carried out by the candidate couple, thereby adapting to what has been happening, for years now, in all the others European countries.

The disbursement of a 10 thousand euro bonus for all couples who have made an adoption in the current year.

The complete gratuity of the same starting from 2021, inserting the International Adoption within the foreign policy of Italy. In this perspective, the funds necessary for gratuity will be paid by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, since the International Adoption is a real international cooperation project,

The passage of the International Adoptions Commission from the Presidency of the Council of Ministers to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs is also another fundamental point.

The International Adoptions Commission must be chaired by an ambassador.

For each Italian embassy, ??the figure of an official assigned exclusively to international adoption practices must be provided.

Then the requirements for authorized entities must be raised, so that the reality of "personal" entities is eliminated and the creation of consortia between entities is maximized , in order to create system economies. In addition, each authorized entity must be able to operate worldwide as long as it is accredited by the local authorities of foreign countries. A specific authorization for each individual country will no longer be required.

Finally, a parliamentary working group will have to be set up in order to establish operational lines to arrive at the activation of the European adoption through which couples from a single member country will be able to adopt in any European country without having to resort to International Adoption procedures. To this end, a European database of minors declared adoptable in all 27 member states will have to be established.
