EurAdopt International Conference. Ai.Bi. and the project for a European adoption: stop for minors outside the family in Europe
17 April 2018

EurAdopt International Conference. Ai.Bi. and the project for a European adoption: stop for minors outside the family in Europe

Published the April 17, 2018

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Interview on Vita a month after the event, scheduled in Milan. " Making Europe a unique and homogeneous territory compared to child protection standards is a theme that Ai.Bi. has been at heart for many years, but it is the first time that he has entered into a conference of this magnitude ", emphasizes Dato

Adding: " The international adoption must come after the national one but before remaining in structures that are temporary accommodation, therefore without stability, and not characterized by relationships similar to the family ones. This is the news "

adoption, towards EurAdopt with the proposal of Ai.Bi .: finally also 'European' adoptionTowards EurAdopt , the XIII International Conference of the network that brings together 26 entities authorized for international adoption in 13 European countries , finally thinking about the realization of a 'European' adoption : this is the great novelty with which we approach the event, in May 24th and 25th program in Milan . An adoption, in other words, which is halfway between national and international adoption, for common European citizenship.

To outline the outlines and explain its importance , for Ai.Bi. Association Amici dei Bambini , during the Conference, will be the lawyer Enrica Dato , in an intervention focused not by chance on the theme 'Adoptions between European countries' . In an interview with , Dato has anticipated some details and highlighted the essential reasons that motivate the possible affirmation of this new type of adoption.

Here are the most significant passages.

" It seems trivial to talk about a European perspective in the field of children's rights, but it is not at all . Europe was born as a common market and only recently has it stated that it has a common interest in the rights of the person, especially since December 2009 with the Treaty of Lisbon, the promotion of rights has been included among the objectives of Europe. of childhood and of woman ", is the premise of the lawyer. This means that the laws of reference in the field of child protection, and therefore also of adoption, continue to be national and that, therefore, each State continues to be and is sovereign in this area. " The hope is that there may be a European interest in guaranteeingand not only to promote the rights of adoptable children. That's why proposing this topic is difficult. Making Europe a unique and homogeneous territory with respect to child protection standards is a theme that Ai.Bi. has been at heart for many years, but it is the first time that he has entered into a conference of this magnitude ".

As Vita lawyer explains again to , the European adoption, if it ever arrives, will have to be one of the pieces of a more homogeneous child protection system , while today " the child protection standards and the whole operation" of the child protection system, from the family trust to the reception structures to the adoptions are different and not only between one country and another. Just think of Italy, from us the reception facilities of minors outside the family respond to regional regulations . This is to say how complex the issue is ", explains the lawyer.

The European international adoption, at what point would it be located? " According to the principle of subsidiarity - adds Dato - the international adoption is the last step of the child protection system, that to be implemented only after every other road has proved impracticable. But why in Europe can we not take into account the fact that we are all European citizens?Why not think that the adoption by a family of another European country is not the same as being adopted by an extra-European citizen? It is not possible that in the field of commerce there is a Union and in the field of children's rights no. The road will be long, I think among other things that we can not tackle this theme by presenting ourselves with ready-made solutions, which would also be easily attackable precisely because of the complexity of the material ... a first step to be taken, however, is certainly that of creating a European database of adoptable children.If it is true that Europe has a unique culture, we must begin to think of Europe as a single territory and face the problems of childhood as a common goal; starting from a serious collection of data and starting to collaborate between associations and organizations, doing a network job ".

One question, however, arises spontaneously, in the face of, for example, the fact that Poland has recently announced its intention to restrict international adoptions, following in the footsteps of Romania: is international adoption still in space? " The Italian legislation itself provides for international adoption also at the exit and Portugal is a host country and a country of exit. We must begin to think that in Europe child protection can also embrace international adoption. It will certainly be residual and subsidiary, but it can not be ignored.There is a need to rethink subsidiarity between the various measures of child protection within the European Union, whereby international adoption - and specifically European adoption - does not necessarily have to come last ".

If a family has a good and a right for a minor, " international adoption must come after the national one, but before remaining in structures that are temporary accommodation, therefore without stability and not characterized by relationships similar to family ones. This is the news. The 2010 UN Guidelines for the Alternative Care of Children have finally declared that stable families are still preferable to other solutions, they are a few years ago. And also the recommendations of the European Commission of February 2013 recommend an adequate control to avoid the placement of minors in institutions.This concept is not peaceful, not yet. When we talk about adoptions we must remember that orphans are a minority and that in many situations, even in Italy, it happens that we accept instead that the minor remains outside a family even where there is no margin for his return to the family d 'origin. These evaluations are difficult and painful, but there are experienced professionals to do them and there must be times within which they must be done. To speak of European adoption, therefore, wants to be above all this, to dismantle the concept that growing up in a community within national borders for a child is certainly better than international adoption.And that at least within Europe one can come to say 'patience if there is not a family in the same country, this child will have a family in the neighboring country, citizenship is always the same, the European one' ".
