Bulgaria. Spouses Giunta: "Let them in school or bring them to our house? We read the response to each other's eyes "

6 June 2015

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Data: 22-06-15

Bulgaria. Spouses Giunta: "Let them in school or bring them to our house? We read the response to each other's eyes "

giunta3"The n ostro way of feeling and love did not provide a path of 'aggressive' towards the biological child: this is not part of our love of the couple. We have always been aware of the fact that many children in the world expect a family and then the sense of 'gift adoption' has appeared as the most natural. As much as a biological child. " A recount their experience to #iosonoundono are Orsola and Fabrizio Giunta, from Messina , adoptive parents of two little brothers Bulgarians.

Three years ago Fabrizio and Orsola began the process of preparation, with the support of the office Ai.Bi. of Messina. " We wanted to see if we were ready - says mother Orsola -, as a couple and two of us against children: and we got the combination. I admit that we expected two children a bit 'smaller and instead the chance would have it waiting for us in Bulgaria there was a pair of brothers: one male, who in September will turn 11 years and a girl of eight years . "

Ursula remembers that moment when " without many words, looking into her eyes and clutching at his hands, and I understood the fly Fabrizio us: we were ready to adopt . "

The family council is back in Sicily a few months and the children are very attached to each other: "Every time you see them they do" collusion "between them ... speak in Bulgarian, who knows what you say!"

The two boys are slowly going through the adaptation to the new world, accompanied by the love of mom and dad .

" Of course I am very demanding! - tells mother, who devotes every waking moment to his sons - We have been fortunate to welcome two extremely loving children, grew up in a home where, despite everything, were looked after very well. We know we need time , for the school and the new reality . But we'll make it . "

For those who adopt older children from , as is the case of the family council, the difficulties are not lacking as well as the rewards for every great little progress achieved every day.

And mother Orsola concludes with a reflection that highlights the reality of the millions of abandoned children in the world (one of the battles of Ai.Bi.)

" These children have to go out much earlier by institutions , not when they are so big! It is not conceivable to make them wait so many years to have a family. would save their suffering, loneliness, deprivation of love "
