First data 2017: minus 30% on 2016. Cifa, AiBi and NAAA confirm the first three places. The disinterestedness of the governments
9 January 2018


#Adozioneinternazionale. First data 2017: minus 30% on 2016. Cifa, AiBi and NAAA confirm the first three places. The disinterestedness of the governments made Democratic Party is under accusation.

Published the January 9, 2018

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An Italy without children: in addition to the demographic decline of 2017, last year also marked the collapse of national and international adoptions. An abrupt 32% less than in 2015: the president of Ai.Bi., Marco Griffini, is worried about the future, which sees the future more and more uncertain.

There are 805 children adopted by Italian parents over the past year 2017. Although the number may seem important, in reality it is not: the national and international adoptions have fallen by 32% compared to the last official report of 2015.

He says he is concerned Marco Griffini, president of Ai.Bi. Friends of Children , due to the drop in availability; in a previous interview with RadioUno Rai had in fact identified and analyzed the main reasons for this decline, stating that: " The main cause is that international adoptions, like everything that concerns foreign policy, live if there is a political will to carry them forward . Unfortunately, we have witnessed in the past 5 years a total disregard for the political party . The last government that believed and worked on international adoptions was the Berlusconi government, with Giovanardi, president of CAI, which is this International Adoption Committee, the real 'live' engine of the whole adoption system, which revolves around 62 authorized bodies , which work in all the countries of the world. ".

The article, signed by Sara De Carli, on
