Project: Joining nature and culture through outdoor activities in the border area

  Lead Partner      Project Partner   

Basic Project Information

Name: Joining nature and culture through outdoor activities in the border area
Acronym: Joining nature and culture through outdoor activities in the border area            


Total Budget + Funding Total:
               EUR 65.145
EU Funding:
               EUR 58.631

Duration (dates) :
   2011-03-31 - 2012-01-31                            

Lead Partner:
             Amici dei Bambini
Address: Strada Constantin Stere, Chisinau MD-2009, Moldova

Project Partners:

  •                                  DOXAMUS Resources Centre for Education and Family Association                                                     -- [ Romania ]                               


Project – Joining nature and culture through outdoor activities in the border area

Programme: 2007 - 2013 Romania-Ukraine-Moldova ENPI CBC
Keywords: Institutional cooperation and cooperation networks

          The objective of the project is the promotion of a greater and more effective educational, social and cultural interaction between two groups of children from Romania and Republic of Moldova in order  to protect natural and cultural heritage through outdoor activities.

An increased knowledge about partners' way of life, shared values and differences for an intensive cross-border contact between children asserted in 30 essays; Thoroughly and integrative educational experiences exchange of the staff in order  to solve common educational issues expressed in 1 good practices guide; An improved level of motor  skills and general health condition of children from target group exhibited through 10 utilitarian abilities from 4 outdoor sports; Raised cognition about natural and cultural environment of border area pointed out in 30 notes diaries; Argumented environment protection awareness of