The father is not only the one who gives life, but the one who offers unconditional care and love; "And by adoption you can beco

1 June 2021

The father is not only the one who gives life, but the one who offers unconditional care and love; "And by adoption you can become a father"

Weak hands caressing you every morning, evening and at any time of the day, sweet eyes looking at you with love and a warm voice whispering to you: mommy, daddy, I love you - that's what a parent needs to feel really happy. Not even all the money raised around the world is worth as much as the smile and love of our children.

Unfortunately, not everyone has the blessing of having children, a drama that many couples experience and which for this reason often separates. But parents are not the only ones who give life, but who are involved non-stop in the education, raising the little ones and offering them unconditional love.


Those who have children do not know the bitter taste and the pain that hides in the depths of the hearts of those who want a soul running around the house, but it is not possible. And then, after dozens of trials, tears and despair, adoption comes into their lives as a light of hope. However, not everyone has the courage and strength to decide at this stage, which involves many steps.

"After 4 years of marriage, we often said that we could adopt a baby. Now we have obtained the certificate and we are moving on ", says Victor Gaisaniuc, participant in the trainings for potential adopters.

"I did a lot of medical tests and as I was sitting with my wife one day I told her that if we didn't succeed, maybe we would do a good deed and she accepted," says Ion Calancea, another participant in training for potential adopters.

The Moldovan branch of the Amici dei Bambini Association, with the support of the Eastern European Foundation from OAK Foundation sources, launched the Campaign "AND BY ADOPTION YOU CAN BECOME A FATHER!". Give care, attention and love and you will be the best father in the world for your child ”, in order to bring to society the importance of fathers' involvement in family life, promoting non-violent communication and education.


"We are with the conception of the idea itself, to the relentless involvement in the upbringing and education of the child who is to come to the family, even if in another way, not biologically but the adoptive one. During these 18 months of the project we acted in 3 directions: collaboration with central and local authorities to improve the training curriculum of future adoptive parents, contributed to strengthening the capacity of local authorities by organizing 5 seminars and provided direct support to future and current parents " , Says Stela Vasluian, director of the project" Conscious and responsible fathers for a non-violent generation "

"It is important for a person, or in the case of a family that decides to adopt a child, to know the procedure and the steps to follow. Just being informed, he cannot have false hopes and from the start all the stereotypes, related to the adoption procedure in the Republic of Moldova are shattered ” , mentions Tatiana Danilescu, legal consultant and trainer.

17 training seminars were organized for future adoptive parents, attended by about 160 people, including husband and wife Oxana and Victor Gaisaniuc.

"3 weeks ago I participated in this seminar and we tell you honestly we were satisfied, excited. We drew attention to the education of the adopted child, how we should behave at all times. It was interesting, I am a very good team ", says Oxana Gaisaniuc.

"We learned to be more attached to each other, as husband and wife, to trust each other. In February I took classes and in June I met my future child, aged 11. He came to our family in August 2020 and so far he is with us ", says Ina, another mother .

According to the latest data published by MSMPS in the CER report for 2019, although 346 adopters were registered in the National Register of Adoptions by the end of last year (308 national and 38 international), only 87 children were adopted.

Of the 3483 children with child status left without parental care, 143 children were, in December 2019, aged 0-2 years, 597 of them - 3-6 years, the vast majority (2153) were in 7-15 years and another 590 in 16-17 years.
