Amici dei Bambini with Michele Torri on the EurAdopt Executive Board
18 May 2020

The manager of international adoptions of the Italian organization will hold the European position for the next three years and said he was "honored to be able to cover this important role within EurAdopt for the next three years, to test myself in what is expected to be the most difficult but also the most stimulating period for international adoption in the post Covid-19 "

Italy and Ai.Bi. - Amici dei Bambini , with its head of the International Adoptions sector, Dr. Michele Torri, join the Executive Board of EurAdopt, the network of 25 organizations of European importance operating in the international adoption sector, representing 13 states, which supervises the European guidelines on adoptive policies.

Michele Torri

Michele Torri ( in the photo ) was also elected for the next three years as a member of the Board of EurAdopt , a position already held from 2016 to 2018. The Board, currently composed of 14 members indicated by the associated realities, is the governing body of the organization and it is always the Council that appoints the two members of the Executive Board who go to support the president, elected instead by the General Assembly . The task of the Executive Board, in coordination with the Council, is to supervise the achievement of the organization's objectives indicated by the General Assembly.

This year, due to the Coronavirus emergency, the General Assembly as well as the EurAdopt Conference scheduled in Copenhagen were not held. They will be held in April 2021, also in Copenhagen. The directors, the Executive Board and the president of EurAdopt will remain in office until the next General Assembly, which will be held in 2023.

"I am honored to be able to cover this important role within EurAdopt for the next three years, to test myself in what is expected to be the most difficult but also the most stimulating period for international adoption in the post Covid-19" , he commented Michele Torri . "All my efforts will always be aimed at promoting international adoption as an option to be able to give a family to the millions of minors living in a state of neglect in the world , in compliance with the principle of subsidiarity and the rights of minors. I also have the hope of being able to help develop solid bridges to foster dialogue and interaction between national government authorities, private organizations and European institutional actors involved in various capacities of adoption. It is a difficult challenge to face but I am ready! ยป.
