International adoption. Moldova: finally operating the new law. Ai.Bi. credited. Authorized institutions declined from 25 to 16
25 February 2015

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International adoption. Moldova: finally operating the new law. Ai.Bi. credited. Authorized institutions declined from 25 to 16

From Eastern Europe comes good news for international adoption. Despite the crisis that is gripping some years this form of reception, there are signs of cloudy horizon which can offer a bit 'more concretely in the recent past in a renaissance of an institution such as international adoption.

In mid-February 2015, in fact, is the news of the re-accreditation of Friends of Children as organization entitled to work in Moldova for the adoption of children orphaned or abandoned by Italian couples. A result achieved thanks to the historic commitment Ai.Bi. in the ex-Soviet country widely recognized by the Ministry of Labour, Social Protection and Family of Chisinau. To communicate to Ai.Bi. the re-accreditation for a year was the same Moldovan Minister in office at the time of signing the relevant document, Valentina Buliga, upon examination of the report by Ai.Bi. on activities in the previous year: a document required to obtain the extension of accreditation for 2015.

A similar authorization was given by the Ministry Moldovan 15 other authorized bodies including 10 Italians, three Americans, a Swiss and a Spaniard. Overall, however, is reduced from 25 to 16 the number of entities authorized to operate in Moldova.

These can work within a system of international adoptions reformed by the new law. A law passed in May 2010 and entered into force in January 2011. Modified and initially built in December 2012, the new version of the rule came into force in April 2013 and is now operating effectively.

The law, passed after 3 years of closure of international adoptions in Moldova, is centered mainly around two aspects.

First the establishment of the Consultative Council for Adoptions as Central Authority which is responsible for examining the dossier of foreign couples and to propose their combinations.

Secondly, the introduction of a procedural different for children "special" than the other. While they do not have to wait more than 2 years to be taken at the international level, the children "special" will follow a lane "priority" and then be adopted within six months from the definition of their status as adoptable. The groups of brothers, also, can not be separated, except in certain exceptional cases.

For more info on ITER for international adoptions in Moldova, please visit the relevant page or call 02.988221.
