Life after institutional care: international round table

9 July 2009

Life after institutional care: international round table

Bruxelles hosted the 9th of July 2009 a specific international round table on leaving care in Europe; the event organised by Amici dei Bambini is part of the project carried out in five European countries (Romania, Bulgaria, Latvia, Italy and France) whose aim is to increase the knowledge and mutual exchange of positive solutions for the social inclusion of young care leavers in Europe, a social category at high risk of social exclusion.

The fight against social exclusion is one of Europe's key social policy goals, with the European Commission seeking to build a better understanding of social exclusion across the EU and to spread good practice.

Building a more inclusive Europe was considered to be an essential element of the EU's ten year strategic goal of becoming "the most competitive and dynamic knowledge-based economy in the world, capable of sustained economic growth, more and better jobs and greater social cohesion".

Within the above mentioned framework, the project implemented by the Association Amici dei Bambini (Italy) and involving partners' organizations from four more European countries (Romania, Bulgaria, Latvia and France), addresses as specific priority area the young care leavers at risk of social exclusion.

The project overall objective is to promote the development of European social policies aimed to social inclusion and equal opportunities in favour of young care leavers, representing all those who have been discharged or that are leaving institutions after a long time spent in residential care, in accordance to the principle of good governance.

Considering the stakeholders involved on the subject addressed, local and regional authorities have always had a key role to play in developing and promoting social inclusion policies as stated by the European Union in defining the strategy for the Social Inclusion Process: "participation by actors such as NGOs, social partners and local and regional authorities has become an important part of this process".

Specific topic of the international meeting was the analysis of problems and lacks related to the management of the transitional services at the local authorities level available for young care leavers (public and private services system who interact at local level in the phase of transition to independent life experienced by institutionalised minors).

This international Round Table aimed at sharing the project outcomes related to the above mentioned topic and, starting from a set of inputs drawn on the project, the participants will be invited to have talks in an open discussion.

The identified and agreed views have been drafted in a position paper to be presented to the European Institutions during the forthcoming project activities.

These recommendations contain useful indications to improve the transitional services at local level, enabling the local authorities to fully implement its substantive role in supporting the social inclusion process for young care leavers.

Last Updated on Monday, 20 July 2009 12:59

