Chaos international adoptions: "Families waiting for months"

14 October 2014

Chaos international adoptions: "Families waiting for months"

The denunciation of the associations: the Commission does not answer

Published the 14/10/2014

Last modified on 06/11/2014 at 16:52


Simone e Romina aspettano un foglio. Da 8 mesi sono in attesa di un documento di carta che permetta loro di adottare un bambino in Kenya. Un’attesa che si sta avvicinando paradossalmente ai tempi di una gravidanza vera. I documenti li hanno già tutti preparati e consegnati mesi fa: dossier fotografico, condizione sociale, resoconto economico… Il Kenya non ha creato ostacoli, ma ha richiesto alla Commissione Adozioni Internazionali italiana un semplice attestato che confermi che l’Aibi, l’associazione attraverso cui Simone e Romina intendono adottare, sia autorizzata a operare. Quel foglio, però, non è mai arrivato. «È tutto fermo – racconta Simone – abbiamo fatto quattro solleciti scritti, telefonate, email… Niente».

Il problema è che nella situazione di Simone e Romina si trovano decine di altre coppie italiane. Ci sono associazioni che aspettano l’autorizzazione, altre il rinnovo dell’accreditamento, altre ancora la conclusione dell’iter adottivo: l’ingranaggio delle adozioni sembra inceppato, a Roma tutto tace.

"United for adoption", the representation that brings together 45 of the 62 associations that in Italy are authorized to operate, sent a letter to Cai at the end of September to unblock the situation, but received no reply. And yesterday met to decide what actions to take. "Since the new commission has taken office, we are not able to have more continuous relations - reports Pietro Ardizzi, spokesperson for the representation -. Beyond a plenary meeting, which took place in July, the tables on taxation, on the procedures of the guidelines, on the individual countries have disappeared. But we must work with families, in a very delicate sector: every bureaucratic delay is a serious problem ". Simple delays? Particular attention and control by the Cai in a sector always at high risk?

In recent months, the world of international adoptions has experienced moments not so serene: first the families locked in the Congo, then that of the adoptive father who in Pescara killed his child of Russian origin. The advent of the new government seemed to open a new era. A premier, Renzi, for the first time decided to take over the presidency of Cai. A strong signal that made us hope. Months later, those hopes were eaten by red tape and a dialogue that was not exactly fluid.

"At the Aibi meetings there are about ten families who are in this demented limbo - says Simone -. Someone has been waiting for a year and a half and we have seen parents burst into tears. I do not see why we should act by creating discomfort, concern and pain for families that should be encouraged, if not taken as an example. In short, here we are not going to buy an SUV ».

No wonder the sector is in difficulty, also because of the economic crisis. Between 2010 and 2013 there was a 30% drop in international adoptions. And according to the estimates of the associations this year there will be a further decrease of 30%. Maybe it will come to 1600 entries of foreign minors in Italy, it's like returning to the levels of 2001.

"There is scarce attention to this sector - Ardizzi reports again - For the heterologous fertilization the governors of the Regions met and in 25 days they prepared a common protocol. The law on international adoptions is 14 years ago and currently only 4 Italian regions have a functioning protocol ». Simone and Romina still hope. At least in pregnancies there is security in the timing.