Open Letter ACT to EP President Tajani: Subject: Child trafficking / Roelie Post

29 May 2018

From: Arun Dohle

Date: 29 May 2018 at 20:35

Subject: Open letter: Child trafficking / Roelie Post


Dear President Tajani,

Yesterday I received documents under Regulation 1049/2001 in relation to correspondence between the EP and Euradopt regarding the collaboration of the EP’s Milan office and Euradopt.

Here the link to the documents I received:

It turns out that Euradopt violated the rules and procedures of the European Parliament.

After having been informed that they you decided that they did not qualify for the Patronage, they turned to the EP’s office in Milano.

The EP’s office seems to have been misled. There was no European dimension, and no participation of a member of the European parliament.

I note that the Opinion of the Proposal for a decision was: avis incertain (uncertain opinion):

“The issue was very controversial in the past in EP debates. The promoter have international contacts but in the detailed programme we received, there is no explicitly reference to the EU and EP guidelines and actors (program uploaded on GEDA). We leave the decision to the CP.”

Amici dei Bambini was expelled from the Euradopt2018 conference by the Italian authorities.

«Ong accusata di commercio di bambini alla conferenza internazionale sulle adozioni»

«NGO accused of trade in children at the international conference on adoptions»

This was the result of the documentary THE TRAFFICKERS – The Dark Side of Adoption, which exposed child trafficking in Congo committed by Amici dei Bambini.

This documentary can be watched on Netflix in Belgium and many other countries


In the documentary EU civil servant Roelie Post blows the whistle.

I would like to also remind you of the whistle-blower letter of Mrs. Post that we handed over to the legal adviser (Oliver Dreute) of then President Schulz in February 2016, and to which no reply was given (attached). Mr. Dreute told me that he felt the

Please inform me in details about the steps undertaken by you or your predecessor regarding Roelie Post.

For further details on the recent developments you can listen to the Dutch Investigative radio program ARGOS, Roelie Post: The Life of a Whistleblower. In this documentary also Amici dei Bambini is mentioned.

The issue, which you call controversial, is in fact simple child trafficking and definitely in violation of all EU values.

ACT has over the years researched the practices of various Euradopt member agencies and exposed them for child trafficking.

For example:

Adoptionscentrum Sweden – Board Euradopt, and CIAI - Centro Italiano Aiuti all'infanzia which organised the Euradopt conference:

Manufactured Orphans:

More you can find in this blogpost here:

The issue became controversial because of the influence and relations of Amici dei Bambini and Francois de Combret (Solidarite Enfants Roumains Abandonnes) who have their influence on the European Institutions.

Their fight: re-open intercountry adoptions from Romania and European Adoption policy ( European market in children)

Also at least partly due to the above mentioned influence, the European Commission cruxified the Romanian Children File’s Task Manager: Mrs. Roelie Post.

As a result, our NGO – Against Child Trafficking (ACT) was set up on instigation of the then Secretary General of the European Commission Catherine Day.

Roelie Post worked for ACT while being paid by the European Commission. A weird construction.

Please do read the whistle-blower letter and give a formal reply to Mrs. Roelie Post, which your predecessor failed to do.

Further hereby I request that you initiate an inquiry into the dealings and wheelings of the former S&D leader Pitella and MEP Kyenge, concerning the adoption of children from Congo.

See also here:

Certainly I request you to take strict actions against Euradopt for violating the rules on the use of the EP logo.

Please inform me about your concrete actions.

Most importantly as President you have to put the record straight on European values.

Child trafficking is organized crime and needs the political will to fight it. Certainly not aiding and abetting, collaboration of the European Parliament.

Looking forward to your detailed reply,

Yours sincerely,

Arun Dohle


Against Child Trafficking

PS: Here some videos of the “controversial debates”

WDR German TV documentary Search a Child, Pay Cash – 2009

WDR German TV about the Petition handed in by Amici dei Bambini - 2010

Petition Committee – Petition about EU funding for Amici dei Bambini - 2011

Attachments area

Preview YouTube video Search a Child, Pay Cash: The Adoption Lobby

Preview YouTube video Report from Brussels: Amici dei Bambini Petition rejected, Romanian adoptions to remain closed

Preview YouTube video Petition in the European Parliament reg. Commission funding of Amici dei Bambini