AiBi Childout

15 December 2009

2010 Report on Child Abandonment

Tuesday, 15 December 2009 11:48

The "2010 AiBi. Report on Child Abandonment: an Emergency - Life After Institutional Care" is now ready and will be soon published. This is the third report released from Ai.Bi. after the first two issued in 2007 and 2008 on respectively child abandonment and the social protection systems of Out-of-Family Children in five E.U. countries.

The report is one of the two concrete outputs (results) of the EU co-financed project named Life After Institutional Care which Ai.Bi. has carried out over the last two years in Italy, France, Romania, Bulgaria and Latvia to help identify effective social policies for the successful social inclusion of out-of-family youths.

The second output has been a set of guidelines on how to encourage the professional and social inclusion of young boys and girls and it will be published itself.

The 2010 Report explores the world of young people leaving childhood protection system: expectations, worries, problems and needs of youths who have suffered already from abandonment and face now new challenges towards independence. It counts with significant contributions and data from the project countries, a grid of standards to assess social inclusion policies, relevant legislation, sentences from and pictures of young care leavers.

From Ai.Bi. we are confident that the 2010 Report will turn out to be an useful tool for European policy-makers when planning concrete measures for the well-being of care leavers.

To order a copy you can write at indicating Report 2010 on the object.
