Adoptions, new interrogations throughout Italy Melissa Satta cancels the campaign with Aibi

16 November 2016

Adoptions, new interrogations throughout Italy Melissa Satta cancels the campaign with Aibi

Melissa Satta has suspended its cooperation with Aibi-Friends of Children

Launch of the interrogations of the Guardia di Finanza for the scandal on international adoptions . These days witnesses were heard in various offices, from Lombardy to Sicily. Detectives are investigating the institutional relationships of Marco Griffini, 69, founder and president of "Aibi-Friends of Children" [Amici dei Bambini] , the association of San Giuliano Milanese authorized by the government to do international adoptions: in particular the delays in the complaint related to a network of pedophiles that raped and exploited children of an orphanage in Bulgaria for the production of pornographic films, and then adopted in Italy through Aibi.

When those children had complained, it was ignored by Griffini, which for this serious omission and for the delays in the protection of children has also been censured by a Juvenile Court . The facts date back to 2012 and 2013. The Financial Police is investigating the contacts of the president of Aibi with some members of the Commission for international adoptions, the government’s supervisory body, in its composition at the time when it had as deputee the child magistrate Daniela Bacchetta, until now foreign to the alleged offenses. The investigative departments have so far questioned doctors, psychologists and officials of the Ministry of Justice which have dealt with the case.

After the scandal on adoptions in the Congo, where Aibi is involved also, also showgirl Melissa Satta has suspended her advertising partnership with the association. This was announced by the lawyers of Marco Griffini, Stephen Pope and Marco Squicquero. The notice of cancellation of Melissa Satta goes back to last summer, "Mrs. Stefania Castaldi, the intermediary agency in the relationship between Aibi and spokesperson of Melissa Satta ," they know the Griffini lawyers, "he communicated in writing to the association and to dependent Chiara Angeli’s relations officer with companies and partners for the fund-raising activities, the desire not to proceed with the planned campaign for the period from 17 September to 3 October 2016 and, more generally, the desire to suspend the collaboration pending developments in the situation by explaining how, before proceeding with any promotional activities, it was "important that the situation is clear. '"Even UNICEF, after the scandal in Congo on adoptions, canceled their funding to Aibi of over 245,000 Euros.

In addition to the Bulgarian case, the staff of Griffini is indeed under administrative and judicial investigation for not having denounced the activities of an organization in Congo that procured illegally children who were adopted in Italy. The serious irregularities revealed by the investigation , "Thieves of Children" published in "L'Espresso" in July 2016, have recently been confirmed by "The Traffickers documentary film" aired on Sunday, November 13 from American

TV .