From today the police will control international adoption: finally end the scourge of payments in cash and in black?
22 June 2015

Date: 15/06/22

From today the police will control international adoption: finally end the scourge of payments in cash and in black?

Money-wadFrom today to monitor the international adoption will be the Police, not the CAI.Or rather not only . In the name of "transparency", in fact, the Commission International adoptions called to his side the Arma and signature, Saturday, June 20, an agreement for the protection "of the child and the respect for fundamental rights that are recognized by international law." In signing the MoU, the Vice-President of CAI, Silvia Della Monica, and the Commanding General of Tullio Del Sette .

News that however surprising and perplexing. Families and associations.

Because on one hand the agreement can be seen as a tool to counter cash payments and in black , transparency requirements not respected and the "financial pressure", in many cases illegal, for sure alone is not enough to restore sap international adoptions. It would have been, in fact, very interesting to read, rather, to some agreement signed with the countries of origin especially in light of the fact that since thisCAI took office (about a year and a half ago) met only once (in June 2014), met with foreign delegations only a few times (not promptly inform the authorized bodies) and especially the last bilateral agreements with foreign countries date back to July 25, 2014 (Burundi) and 17 September 2014 with Cambodia and neither of them is still operating

In short, a long silence "communicative" (with families, institutions and associations) and operating the CAI after 18 months "finally" to stop ... to announce an agreement with the Carabinieri.

A communication that leaves, then, a little 'bitter taste in the mouth and that they soon cause different reactions of amazement and wonder. Like that of ' Ufai (Union Italian adoptive families) who declares: " But the CAI needs Carabinieri to control bodies now? - reads a note - Explain better, which performs supervisory functions and monitoring the Commission, with regard entities authorized to operate in the field of international adoptions, to require the work of the Force? ".

So this seems to be more and more evidence of a CAI disarray, paralyzed in his work and increasingly distant from their families . "But representatives of the families, associations and organizations - continues Ufai - who sit in CAI, do not tell nothing about this strange operation ? "

Moreover, without detracting from the value of the MoU with the Carabinieri whose only positive note is that in this way you can put an end to the black market cash abroad , but is a question. But this agreement will have a double meaning? It can be used also against the CAI? Or rather some institution will consult the weapon to force the CAI to respond to the challenges that await response by months? So you can follow the path of transparency "both directions ", in respect of the same CAI?

In summary this is what provides the memorandum of understanding: the agreement has an initial term of two years and "will make the system operational capabilities and information of its territorial offices of the Force" with their presence branched throughout Italy , the Police "will ensure an effective contribution in the functions of supervision and monitoring undertaken by the Commission to institutions authorized to operate in the field of international adoptions. " Or, finally, it will be possible to clarify between those who behave properly and respect the laws of the Italian and foreign countries and who, instead, derive profit from illegally exploiting to their advantage the dream of prospective adoptive parents: embrace his son. A modus operandi always criticized by Ai.Bi. to stem who was always invoked the traceability of financial flows and payments.

In short, the law in the first place: it is also the first step to begin the last inspections as provided for in Regulation of CAI? Or every two years each authorized institution must be independently verified by any reports of irregularities . Obviously, if these reports more or less severe arrived, they should be initiated verification.

It would be interesting, and above all much more transparent, that CAI would give periodic accounts of the verification activities, as constituting one of its fundamental tasks, and indicate which areas of focused and will focus in the future. It is a task that the law assigns and, as citizens and taxpayers, we all have a right to know what has been done and what you intend to do.