Better to stay in the community than having an un-Polish family?
6 April 2018

Better to stay in the community than having an un-Polish family?

Editorial Staff 06 April 2018

Marco Griffini, president of AiBi, comments on Poland's decision to restrict international adoptions and re-launch European adoption. "And the right to grow up in a family? We need subsidiarity towards abandoned European minors who identify in the 'European families' the privileged place to grow them, with the creation of a European Commission for International Adoptions »

Poland has decided to restrict international adoptions . Thus , Poland sadly starts to be the second European country to close the international adoptions, after Romania , which made this choice in 2005. A decision that was mitigated here since 2013, after the entry into force of Law 233 / 2011: international adoptions have been partially reopened, only for Romanian couples living abroad or where at least one of the spouses is a citizen of Romania.

The decision taken by the Polish authorities arouses a bitter taste , writes AiBi and opens a great question on the rule of law of the "new Europe" and on the community strategies for child protection. The Cai communiqué states that "the Government of the Republic of Poland has decided to restrict international adoptions, giving priority to national adoptions in the conviction of finding available adoptive families in Poland or a family substitute environment" but, comments Marco Griffini, president of AiBi, "amazes that only now the Polish authorities raise the issue of the priority of national adoptions compared to international ones,as if until now the adoptable minors on the international adoption channel had not been reported for a defined period of time in the waiting list for national adoption. Hard to believe it. Rather, it seems to us that this "exit" of the Polish Government is wholly specious and in reality hides another ".

But what is even more regrettable is the statement that the Polish authorities, if they do not find national families available for adoption, prefer to leave their abandoned children in "a family substitute environment", that is, in a family home or in a community. educational rather than in a family, although not Polish . "And all this" to the face "not only of the right of every child abandoned to live in a family, but also of all proclamations on the prospect of a" new Europe "of" European citizens "without national borders and cultural barriers» , underlines AiBi.

Italy and Europe, therefore, "what position do they intend to take to ensure that the right of these children to a family is fully protected? In any country in the world, and even more so in a "new Europe of law", the abandoned child, precisely because of his absolute and total social fragility, should be placed at the top of the rights ladder, among which the most important is the right to live and grow in a family ". Griffini continues: "the debate on the future of the generations of our continent can not ignore the inclusion of the themes of child protection and the emergence of child abandonment among the political priorities. There is a need for a structured and complete data collection on minors outside the family in Europe for a harmonization of national disciplines on child protection andthe application of subsidiarity to abandoned European minors who identify in the 'European families' the privileged place to make them grow, certainly preferable to their placement in institutions or families not resident in Europe. Everything could become operational thanks to the creation of a sort of European super-commission for international adoptions, as a reference institution and guarantee for adoptions in the Old Continent ». Since 2006 Amici dei Bambini supports the need to realize the European adoption and recognize the lack of a family as "institutional abuse" and therefore "the denied right of the child to the family" as a violation of the fundamental right of the person.
