Adoptions, Vice President Cai remains in his place. The Tar rejects the appeal against the appointment of Laura Laera

16 September 2017

Adoptions, Vice President Cai remains in his place. The Tar rejects the appeal against the appointment of Laura Laera

Adoptions, Vice President Cai remains in his place. The Tar rejects the appeal against the appointment of Laura Laera


Former Vice President Della Monica and some couples appealed to the nomination act complaining of illegitimacy, potential conflict of interest, and the risk that controlled controls might blow. Judges do not even make any assumptions. The story will be discussed on the merit but Laera remains: "The program will be able to continue." She speaks of collegial commitment: "I want to reunite the Cai once a month"

by Thomas Mackinson | September 16, 2017



More information on: Adozioni , Cai , Commission , Silvia Della Monica

No suspense , Cai's vice president remains in his place. At least for now. By a decree issued on September 12, the TAR of Lazio has rejected the request for suspension filed by the former vice president of the International Adoptions Commission Silvia Della Monica (and some families ) against the presidency of the Council, guilty of not having given a second term but to have appointed Laura Laera, a Florentine juvenile judge, in her place . It merely comments: "At least the program that has been announced in committee can continue. The commitment is to enhance the collegiality of the commission. " Commitment reaffirmed by the will to convene the Cai once a month.

Three key points of the appeals. The putting out of position was rejected by the Judicial Council of the Court of Appeal of Florence. But that opinion, by no means binding, was then overtaken by the green disk of Csm. The second is a potential "family" conflict of interest postulated in Laera as a wife of Milan's chief prosecutor, Francesco Greco. Who may have to pursue a criminal offense against an entity - the Milanese Aibi - on which Laera has administrative jurisdiction. Thus, a preventative allegation of partiality and subjection to unspeakable interests (hitherto never explicated) against two magistrates from the mirrored cv.

By rejecting the request for interim relief, Tar has found that there is no need to state the allegations of injury to "delicate international trade", as well as the activities of the investigation of the operation and the legality of the bodies, as the applicants claim. Merely "any" are then the issues related to the proposed conflict of interest. Moreover, in June, the same board had already rejected the precautionary request for reasons of "severity and urgency", which only saw the applicants.

The appeal is one of the acts of war of a complicated and incomprehensible event, which has recently seen a reversal of roles . If Della Monica and some couples argue that the change was irregular and could affect the legality, transparency and good conduct of the Cai, it was a brutal proof of the opposite, from the offices the applicant had been up to three months ago : at the Commission's first meeting - after three years of darkness - a series of serious irregularities in the management of the office have been documented, ranging from missing documents and documents (even international agreements) to hundreds of documents with a number of wrong protocol and practices with "blank attachments".

One of the hypothesis is that this state of affairs is due to the fact that at least in the last year Silvia Della Monica has no longer set foot in the office. To put it all, he did not even download e-mail, with adoptive couples who wrote (unnecessarily) at the committee's institutional address. A modus operandi that recalls the one described by Savona judicial inquiries, from which an unusual and cryptic profile of the ex-magistrate, former senator assured of absolute authority in the field of adoption, emerged.
