Stolen children, the 44 forgotten complaints So the state body conditioned the investigation

27 February 2018

27 Feb. Stolen children, the 44 forgotten complaints So the state body conditioned the investigation

CHILDREN'S FRIENDS Premier Paolo Gentiloni, the Catholic right-wing leader Carlo Giovanardi, the undersecretary Maria Elena Boschi: they promoted the return of Aibi in the world of adoptions

CHILDREN'S FRIENDS Premier Paolo Gentiloni, the Catholic right-wing leader Carlo Giovanardi, the undersecretary Maria Elena Boschi: they promoted the return of Aibi in the world of adoptions

On January 5, 2015, forty-four families report to the Rome Public Prosecutor Marco Griffini and his association "Aibi-Amici dei bambini" for kidnapping and serious irregularities in the adoption procedures. But for two years the file remains registered in the register of facts that do not constitute a crime. And Griffini opens an investigation against the magistrate Della Monica, president of the Commission for international adoptions that is investigating him. The Deputy Prosecutor of the Capital: an act not only without foundation, but instrumental in order to interfere in the verification activity



Imagine having young children going to school. And one day the headmaster tells you that he will not be able to go home. Some will succeed after long negotiations. But the last eighteen will be held for eighteen months. A year and a half away, without being able to take them, see, embrace. What would you do? Forty-four Italian families at the end of 2014 are in the same, identical situation. Only that the children are still in Goma, in the Democratic Republic of the Congo, where they wait for the green light to fly to Italy. A ruling establishes that they are their children. They already carry their Italian surname. Those children have adopted them with the mediation of the association "Aibi-Friends of Children" of San Giuliano Milanese, a body authorized by the government to represent the Italian state abroad. However, their children are stuck in local institutions with Marco Griffini, 70, president of Aibi, and his envoys have exclusive contracts. From there, despite the order of the authorities and the will of the Italian adoptive parents, they do not want to hand them over to the new guardians.

Children in an orphanage and in the box the cover with the survey published in 2016

Children in an orphanage and in the box the cover with the survey published in 2016

It happened that months before, on March 7, 2014, four children disappeared, Italian by adoption, hosted in an orphanage linked to Aibi. Their families came to take them back because, as Aibi's lawyer Martin Musavuli wrote and wrote to his bosses, they had been sent to Italy without the consent of their parents, who had been removed under the pretext of making them study. The Congolese officials of the institute then built a personal story for each of them, invented false names and filled out custody judgments containing untrue information. At that point Aibi should spontaneously suspend the procedures and denounce the irregularities, first of all to the Cai-Commission for international adoptions, the governing body of control. But it does not. Instead, the Italian adoptive parents of the four missing children have been summoned by San Giuliano Milanese and to them, incredulous, Valentina Griffini, 35, the founder's daughter, responsible for operations in Africa, says that the children were abducted by an armed commando. Above all, he asks the couples not to report anything to the Cai. The then president of the Commission, Silvia Della Monica, a historical anti-mafia magistrate, is instead informed by the families and begins to investigate. Other adoptive couples, also waiting for the children, come to know about the seizure by the armed commando and the bizarre request of Aibi not to warn the Italian authorities. This is why they no longer trust Griffini. Revoke the mandate to his body and ask the Cai that their children be transferred to more reliable and secure facilities. But the institutions linked to Aibi do not want to release them.


This is why forty-four couples, eighty-eight Italian citizens, sign a complaint and direct it to the Rome Public Prosecutor's Office. It is 5 January 2015, one Monday. So they write: "The Aibi body, disregarding the directives given by Cai and against the will expressed by the undersigned with its declaration of revocation of the mandate, is hindering the transfer of minors to the reception facilities identified by the Commission: it is putting at risk the positive conclusion of the adoption procedure, as well as putting the safety and protection of minors at serious risk ", as Goma, the city in the East of the African country where they are located, on the edge of a war zone. Parents then enter the details: «The Aibi body, through the work of its president Marco Griffini,

Silvia Della Monica

Silvia Della Monica

At this point the request of the forty-four families to the Rome Procura is precise. In fact, they ask the judicial authorities to investigate any criminal liability relating to the hypotheses of crime (kidnapping of persons and / or other crimes) that are to be found in the conduct described above against Marco Griffini, the contacts and collaborators of the entity Aibi and all those who in any capacity, in Italy and in the Democratic Republic of the Congo, should be responsible ».


Aibi is a body in charge of public service. The kidnapping is a crime that allows the use of all the investigative tools provided by the code. Especially wiretaps and Internet traffic without which it is impossible to verify the links between the institution's headquarters in San Giuliano Milanese in Lombardy and the institutions in the Congo. Instead, the forty-four complaints, all en bloc, are combined with a previous statement by the president of Cai Della Monica and registered as a model 45 with the protocol number 11899/2014 FNCR. That is: facts not constituting a crime. It is a curious decision because, as the legal literature teaches, the so-called "pseudo-crime reports" are entered in model 45.

Marco Griffini, on the right, with his wife during a visit to the Quirinale

Marco Griffini, on the right, with his wife at the Quirinale

Marco Griffini is luckier than the forty-four families who accuse him of having prevented the transfer of their children. He must be well informed because as early as 13 January 2015, eight days after his parents, the president of Aibi goes to the Milan Public Prosecutor and a series of exposed complaints of Cai, President Della Monica, officials who have begun to investigate and a nun who took charge of some of the children taken away from the institutes of Aibi. This is what the deputy prosecutor of Rome, Maria Monteleone to his colleague in Milan, then head of the anti-mafia district directorate, Ilda Boccassini, wrote on March 20, 2017: «Griffini denounced having received from the lawyer Musavuli, a referent in Goma in Congo, news related to alleged irregularities in international adoptions referring also to a trafficking of minors and also referred to a communication from the president of the Tribunal for minors of Goma ». Musavuli is the lawyer who attends the meeting in Goma where, in the presence of the Aibi correspondent Eddy Zamperlin, the unacceptable return home of the four Italian children is turned into cards in an armed assault by strangers. The president of the Court of Goma is the one who signs all the sentences of adoption with stories invented even knowing that, at least in one case, a child was not adoptable because her parents were against adoption. In those same weeks of early 2015, many parliamentarians from the center to the Pd to the Five Stars present questions against the Cai,


If the forty-four complaints by parents had been investigated in a timely criminal investigation, today we might know who orchestrated the campaign in Parliament. But the file remains for over two years among the news that does not constitute a crime. Until February 10, 2017 when the director of Cai, Silvia Della Monica, now at the end of the mandate, deposited the information of almost six hundred pages with dozens of other complaints from parents. At this point the file is registered as a model 44, still against unknown, and transferred to the Milan anti-mafia prosecutor's office, as Aibi is based in the district. The crime hypotheses formulated in Rome are the same for which Marco Griffini will be investigated in Milan, with his daughter Valentina and his wife Irene Bertuzzi, 68, managing director of Aibi. The painting, according to the Roman Public Prosecutor's Office, it is finally clear: "The facts have been committed in part in Italy and partly in the Democratic Republic of the Congo", explains the prosecutor, Monteleone, in the transmission letter of the file: "In particular, the association for delinquere must be considered built in San Giuliano Milanese where Aibi is headquartered, to whose managers and operators including Marco Griffini, Valentina Griffini, Eddy Zamperlin, Silvia Cappelli and Marco Puntin are at the debitable deeds, also in competition with citizens of the Congo and operating in that country, among which also the lawyer of Goma Martin Musavuli and the president of the Court for the Minors of Goma, Charles Wilfrid Sumaili ". This is the communication of the magistrate. «The facts have been committed in part in Italy and partly in the Democratic Republic of Congo», explains the deputy prosecutor Monteleone, in the transmission letter of the file: «In particular, the criminal association must be considered built in San Giuliano Milanese where is headquartered in AIBI, to whose managers and operators such as Marco Griffini, Valentina Griffini, Eddy Zamperlin, Silvia Cappelli and Marco Puntin are debited to the criminal acts reported, also in competition with citizens of the Congo and operating in that country, among as well as Goma's lawyer Martin Musavuli and the president of the Court for the Minors of Goma, Charles Wilfrid Sumaili ". This is the communication of the magistrate. «The facts have been committed in part in Italy and partly in the Democratic Republic of Congo», explains the deputy prosecutor Monteleone, in the transmission letter of the file: «In particular, the criminal association must be considered built in San Giuliano Milanese where is headquartered in AIBI, to whose managers and operators such as Marco Griffini, Valentina Griffini, Eddy Zamperlin, Silvia Cappelli and Marco Puntin are debited to the criminal acts reported, also in competition with citizens of the Congo and operating in that country, among as well as Goma's lawyer Martin Musavuli and the president of the Court for the Minors of Goma, Charles Wilfrid Sumaili ". This is the communication of the magistrate. in the transmission letter of the dossier: "In particular, the criminal association must be considered to be built in San Giuliano Milanese where Aibi is based, to whose managers and operators including Marco Griffini, Valentina Griffini, Eddy Zamperlin, Silvia Cappelli and Marco Puntin the criminal acts reported, even in competition with citizens of the Congo and operating in that country, including the lawyer of Goma, Martin Musavuli, and the president of the Court for the Minors of Goma, Charles Wilfrid Sumaili, are in fact entitled ". This is the communication of the magistrate. in the transmission letter of the dossier: "In particular, the criminal association must be considered to be built in San Giuliano Milanese where Aibi is based, to whose managers and operators including Marco Griffini, Valentina Griffini, Eddy Zamperlin, Silvia Cappelli and Marco Puntin the criminal acts reported, even in competition with citizens of the Congo and operating in that country, including the lawyer of Goma, Martin Musavuli, and the president of the Court for the Minors of Goma, Charles Wilfrid Sumaili, are in fact entitled ". This is the communication of the magistrate. Silvia Cappelli and Marco Puntin are debilitated by the criminal acts reported, also in competition with citizens of the Congo and operating in that country, including the lawyer Goma Martin Musavuli and the president of the Court for the Minors of Goma, Charles Wilfrid Sumaili ». This is the communication of the magistrate. Silvia Cappelli and Marco Puntin are debilitated by the criminal acts reported, also in competition with citizens of the Congo and operating in that country, including the lawyer Goma Martin Musavuli and the president of the Court for the Minors of Goma, Charles Wilfrid Sumaili ». This is the communication of the magistrate.


Zamperlin, Cappelli, Puntin, Musavuli and Sumaili will not be investigated by the Milanese Public Prosecutor's Office, when on 3 April 2017 the Griffini family names will be entered in the register of investigations. In another correspondence with the deputy prosecutor of Milan Boccassini, the colleague from Rome also explains in what consideration the substantial activity of denouncing the president of Aibi against the Cai, the then president Silvia Della Monica, his officials and the nun unjustly accused: «As for ... Griffini's first complaint to the Milan prosecutor's office, in the light of what emerged later», write the deputy prosecutor of the capital, Maria Monteleone with the substitute, Maria Letizia Golfieri, «seems not only devoid of foundation, but obviously instrumental in order to interfere on the activity of Cai which,

On the basis of these premises, the Judges Section for preliminary investigations by the Court of Milan denied authorization to telephone wiretaps. And consequently the Milan anti-mafia prosecutor's office, deprived of the principal investigative tool for this type of crimes, has requested the dismissal of the case. Marco Griffini, who has always supported the total correctness of the activity of Aibi, will not have to answer anything. Not even the parents who had to wait eighteen months to get the transfer of their children from Goma to a safer institution in the capital Kinshasa: waiting for expatriation visas to finally reach their new families in Italy.