Griffini's rebuttal of L'Espresso: BULGARIA, ORC BURROW AIBI DISPROVES,

19 January 2013

From FB page of the journalist

BULGARIA, ORC BURROW AIBI DISPROVES, the express CONFIRMATION Confirm what is written in the article. Since I was no immediately report to the Commission on intercountry adoptions by Aibi, I asked Marco Griffini President when he presented. His response was: "I don't recall the date." Odd Amnesia if, as now Aibi, the alert was made on 3 January: because the phone call between the express and was only Griffini four days later. It must be said that parents of children who have suffered violence at staff have written the Chairman of Aibi four email: 12 October, 16 November, 12 December, 30 December. Already the October 12 the report "gruesome details" and "aberrant" Bulgarian Institute of dynamics. But from that stated by parents and confirmed by President of Aibi, Gawali has never responded.(F.G.)

The PRESIDENT of AIBI, MARCO GRIFFINI, WROTE: in the investigation by Fabrizio Gatti "In ORC lair" ("L'Espresso" No. 2) refers to some facts related to the adoption of three minors in Bulgaria at an Institute through Associazione Amici dei Bambini, notified body pursuant to the applicable law.

In the article referring to some "facts" that occurred in the Bulgarian school in which children were adopted. Refers in particular to sexual behaviour among minors and sexual violence by the paedophiles adults. Of these facts, according to the article, would have been aware.

This message is misleading and seriously harmful to as unfounded.

It is not true that was aware of situations described abuse and pedophilia in Bulgaria.

First premise that cases of abuse in institutions are unfortunately many and this is one of the reasons why the Association for years, with the emphasis that often is criticized by many, launches an alarmist message on the emergence of child abandonment and the urgency to act.

As you progress in these cases?

If the case is known at the beginning of the process, because it acknowledges the child tab prepared by foreign authorities before pairing, then prepares the couple and, if they agree to adopt it, it helps you manage this with the support of professionals.

If the problems of early sexuality and abuse are discovered later – and this is the event that recurs most often-through parental reporting of any abnormal behavior, you will hear the couple and, together, studying what route travel and advising what specialists activate.

All cases so far emerged, were addressed, accompanied and resolved, in close collaboration with families, sending the necessary and proper information to the competent authorities once the existence of the problems revealed.

Without prejudice to that always acts with the aim of protecting the interests of children involved, relative to the case of Bulgaria mentioned the Espresso here's how it went.

As is well known in Bulgaria, being a country that has ratified the Hague Convention of 1993, reporting of minors and the combination are offered directly by the central authority of the country of origin. In those three minor healthcare was not anything abnormal or nothing had expressed during the adoption that was concluded on a regular basis. Up to four months after the return of the family in Italy is never revealed anything he left portends the "facts" referred to in the article.

That said, about three months ago the concerned family contacted the President of on his personal cell phone and, on the same day of the call where the adoptive parent had expressed concerns, the couple was seen by the psychologist of AiBi., the same who had followed throughout the process, at the local Office of the institution.

At the end of the session, in which it was revealed that minors had reported parents had each other sessualizzati behaviors, the couple were advised to activate a location at some infantile neuropsychiatrists competent specialists in this field. The aim was to verify what had really happened in the past of children following the usual Protocol, but the family refused the proposal by declaring that he wanted to proceed independently.

The Council to activate a contact with professionals with knowledge of the couple also was repeated a few days later, during a subsequent meeting locally with a lawyer of, but on that occasion the couple showed its willingness to proceed independently.

The Association, also in view of its obligation to submit periodic reports to the Bulgarian authorities, since the first post adoptive relationship was entirely positive and no stranger to the new circumstances that family voice was referring, has on several occasions asked, in vain, to receive clinical documentation specialist meetings where parents have reported to have subjected their children.

So far, the Agency has not been able to provide any documentary of experts report on these "facts", as is necessary in such cases. The only specialist information in the possession of the Institution are and continue to be those drawn up by his psychologist who does not concern – it is good to repeat – no abuse neither element for pedophilia situations, but only short story reported sessualizzati behaviour among minors., which in recent months has been waiting to receive appropriate documentation to clarify the origins of those behaviors, informed the CAI immediately after having learned for the first time on January 3, 2013, via the enquiries by the journalist of "L'Espresso", "the likely existence of a network of paedophiles".

Article published in "L'Espresso" also contains inaccuracies regarding statements made by Griffini during the interview: it has never been declared that she was "immediately informed" the Adoption Committee (in part because it could not inform of facts fuzzed and in no way related to "pedophilia"!). It is true, however, that to have said Griffini activated "immediately" their support channels for making it possible to couple meeting with the psychologist on the same day that the couple telephoned alarmed by the behavior of their children.

Remains the bitterness and do not understand the attitude of the pair, as it would have been just a usual and normal cooperation from family to activating, promptly, the official channels, in order to avoid any negative impact on the children involved.

Marco Griffini, President of Friends of children Association (Translated by Bing)

Nella tana degli orchi

Nell'inchiesta di Fabrizio Gatti “Nella tana degli orchi” (“l'Espresso” n. 2) si riferisce di alcuni fatti legati all’adozione di tre minori realizzata in Bulgaria presso un istituto per il tramite di Ai.Bi. Associazione Amici dei Bambini, ente