Italian NGO co-finances social project in Rabat

18 October 2000

Italian NGO co-finances social project in Rabat
Morocco-Italy, Culture, 10/18/2000

An Italian ngo, Associazione Italian Amici Del Bambini (AIBI), will co-finance a Moroccan project meant to improve the accommodation conditions in a center in Rabat that hosts abandoned and disabled children.

The pilot-project requiring 15 million DH ($1.3 million) provides for the improvement of living standards and health conditions in the Lalla Meryem center, the construction of a new wing to accommodate disabled children and the organization of training sessions for teaching, paramedical and administrative staff, a statement by the Italian embassy in Rabat said.

The project, launched last April, will be completed over three years. The Italian government provided half of the needed budget, while the AIBI and some Moroccan institutions, including the Moroccan league for childhood protection, provided the other half.

The Lalla Meryem center, located in downtown Rabat, hosts 159 abandoned and disabled children. It is managed since 1975 by the Rabat-Sale committee of the Moroccan league for childhood protection.