Haitian Orphan Rescue

Haitian Orphan Rescue is a non-profit organization founded by Jamie and Ali McMutrie of Pittsburgh, Pa., in February 2010, approximately one month after Haiti suffered a devastating earthquake. The mission of Haitian Orphan Rescue is to educate people about the plight of orphans in Haiti, to raise funds to help build a new orphanage, as well as provide food, water, medicine and other supplies to Haitian orphans in need.

Jamie and Ali have a significant and well-documented connection to the orphaned children of Haiti. They volunteered as operators of an orphanage in Port-au-Prince, Haiti, since 2002. They were the primary caretakers for the approximately 130 children of all ages up to 12 years old, doing everything from feeding and caring for sick children, to seeing to their educational and social development, to aiding in the adoption process. Under their care, more than 500 orphaned children were adopted by loving families in the United States, Canada and Europe. In fact, the children in Jamie and Ali’s care enjoyed a 100% adoption success rate.

In the week after January 12, 2010 when the earthquake hit Haiti, the McMutrie sisters managed to keep all the children in their care safe and well, despite being forced to live outside because of damage to their building. At the same time, they conducted an aggressive social media campaign that influenced federal, state and local government officials to bring 54 orphans, most of whom were already far along in the adoption process, to the United States.

Since then, Jamie and Ali have been interviewed by dozens of news organizations ranging from local to international, educating the public about the plight of Haitian orphans, and encouraging individuals, and those in corporations and government to help. They returned multiple times to Haiti to bring water, food and medical supplies to orphans, and they established Haitian Orphan Rescue to raise funds to build a new facility and to continue their work with orphans in Haiti.





Person Relation type Date from Date to
Jamie and Ali McMurtrie Founder of 2010 Apr 01