Elizabeth Home

They have one pending report. 

According to their website:

A need exists in your city that Christians cannot ignore.
Every year, four out of every 10 teenage girls become pregnant.
Texas leads the nation in births to teenage mothers.

In Texas, more than 28,000 teenage girls
will suffer a crisis pregnancy in the next 12 months.
Approximately 5,900 will not result in a live birth. For those
who choose to have the child, rejection by one or both parents
is a common response and many times results in expulsion from
the home. While many choose abortion, we believe abortion is
not the answer. Elizabeth Home is.

Elizabeth Home seeks to bring glory to
God by providing a warm and loving home (free of charge),
for girls and young women facing a crisis pregnancy.
The purpose of Elizabeth Home is to establish an environment
where broken and hurting girls can receive
forgiveness and God's grace and experience new life
through Jesus Christ.

Elizabeth Home strives to see lives changed by ministering
to the physical, emotional and spiritual needs of each person.
Our ultimate goal is to demonstrate God's love
and to save lives...for eternity.


6 November 1998


650 Big Stone Gap Rd.