Minister Grapperhaus is investigating sadistic child abuse
25 March 2021

Minister Ferd Grapperhaus of Justice and Security has set up a committee that will investigate the nature and extent of sadistic child abuse.

The full House of Representatives had asked for such an investigation in a motion. This in response to the Argos broadcast Glass shards and dark rituals on June 27, 2020. The research will be led by Jan Hendriks, professor of Forensic Orthopedagogic Diagnostics and Treatment at the University of Amsterdam.

On March 1, Argos reported that the Scientific Research and Documentation Center (WODC), which was initially asked to carry out the research, had given back the order . The WODC saw no possibilities to conduct this research in a scientifically responsible manner.


The task given by the minister to the committee chaired by Professor Hendriks is as follows: ' Collect the available information about the aforementioned phenomenon of organized sadistic abuse of minors by making use of as many sources as possible (including victims, therapists, scientific sources and experts in this particular field). On the basis of the findings, give advice to the investigation. In addition, based on the findings, give advice on setting up a reporting center. '

Jan Hendriks was previously a member of the De Winter committee, which investigated violence in youth care, and the Samson committee, which investigated the abuse of juveniles placed under government supervision. In addition to Hendriks, Anne-Marie Slotboom will also join the committee. She is associate professor of developmental psychology and criminology at the VU. It is not yet known whether other committee members will join.

Minister Grapperhaus has asked the committee to draw up an action plan before the summer of 2021 in which the assignment is further detailed 'and to produce a final report before the summer of 2022'.

Download the letter from Minister Grapperhaus to the Lower House here .
