Nelson M. of banned pedophile club Martijn arrested in Mexico with weapon and child porn

7 June 2022

AMSTERDAM - The pedo activist Nelson M. (27) who had fled from the Netherlands was arrested in Mexico City on Sunday. During his arrest, according to Mexican authorities, data carriers containing files containing child pornography were seized. A firearm with bullets and cocaine was also found. The arrest has been confirmed by organizations working against child abuse.

Mexican media brings up the arrest, portraying Nelson M. as the leader of an international network of pedophiles. The prosecutor's office in Mexico City confirms the arrest and shares images of it.

M.'s Dutch lawyer, Theo Hiddema, reacted with surprise on Tuesday morning about the arrest of his client: "You are attacking me. I'm just reading the whole story. So I can't give a substantive response yet. I was occasionally in contact with him through the app, but I do not know any background to this arrest at the moment.”


M. fled last year from the Netherlands where several criminal cases are pending against him. With his flight to Mexico, M. tried to avoid his sentences, including for possession of child pornography. It is still unclear whether the Netherlands will ask for his extradition.

The American organization Operation Underground Railroad (OUR) and the Netherlands-based 'Free a Girl' also confirm to De Telegraaf that Nelson M. was arrested on Sunday at five o'clock in the afternoon local time in Mexico City during a police operation. Evelien Hölsken of Free a Girl: “We are impressed with the skill and dedication of the police in Mexico City to protect children from these types of predators. We are very relieved that Nelson M. was arrested for posing a serious danger to children in Mexico. We shared our information about this with the authorities and that led to the arrest.”

Free a Girl already started a petition last March to prevent Nelson M. from getting political asylum in Mexico.

The prosecutor's office in Mexico has shared images of the arrest of pedo activist Nelson M. Text continues below the video.
