CDA Zaanstad wants to see the consequences of investors in youth care

31 March 2021

The CDA in Zaanstad wants to know whether the involvement of a French investor in Zaan youth care is detrimental to the quality of the care.

The mental health care provider has come into French hands and the fear is that the profit is more important than the care.

CDA member Nick Hendriks wants to know whether Zaanstad notices that the practitioner is in the hands of a company that has nothing to do with care, and also whether other institutions active in the Zaan region are owned by investment companies.

Research has shown that complex healthcare in particular is disadvantaged if assistance becomes an investment object. Hendriks also wants to see that translated to the Zaan situation.

If the situation requires it, the CDA wants Zaanstad to make new agreements with the care institutions together with the other municipalities in the region. A way must always be found to prevent young people asking for help from being told no.