


Title Publication date
Pédocriminalité : une femme accuse un groupe d’intellectuels connus de sévices sexuels envers des enfants 15 June 2024
Al 134 meldingen over mogelijke onregelmatigheden bij adopties | De Standaard Mobile (Already 134 reports about possible irregularities in adoptions | The Standard Mobile) 24 March 2024
Investigation The Franco-Belgian business of “stolen babies”: “We were goods that could be taken back to the store” 20 March 2024
Irregular adoptions: the legal route with no exit? 14 March 2024
I was a stolen child, I am 46 years old and I want to recover my Guatemalan identity 13 February 2024
Is the end coming for intercountry adoption in Europe? 26 January 2024
A first in the world of international adoption in France: a judicial investigation opens for adults born in Romania. 26 January 2024
Abused foster children: Europe calls for compensation to be paid to victims 26 January 2024
International adoption: what the inspection mission report could contain 24 January 2024
International adoption: what the inspection mission report could contain 24 January 2024
Adoption agency delayed adoption. Now pairs of siblings are growing up in separate countries 23 January 2024
Sibling pair separated by Danish adoption agency in violation of the rules 23 January 2024
Genesis of the project: International Social Service 19 January 2024
Guatemala’s baby brokers: how thousands of children were stolen for adoption 4 January 2024
Macron slams ‘manhunt’ against Depardieu 20 December 2023
Gerard Depardieu stripped of Order of Quebec after vulgar comments caught on camera 14 December 2023
Registration complaint adoptees - French Justice 4 December 2023
Atman: investigation into a multinational sect of tantrism 29 November 2023
Tantric yoga guru Gregorian Bivolaru charged with human trafficking 28 November 2023
Må bestikke politiet før adopsjoner – VG 28 October 2023
A child of a surrogate mother, now a fighter against the industry 23 October 2023
France suspends adoptions of children from Madagascar 22 October 2023
Committee on Enforced Disappearances Marks First Anniversary of the Joint Statement on Illegal Intercountry Adoptions 20 September 2023
Adoptions in Burkina Faso have been suspended by France 16 September 2023
the ECHR rejects the request for access to origins - Time News 7 September 2023
2023: Sad days for ‘adoptable’ children in Greece 19 August 2023
Un Landais né sous X retrouve sa mère biologique, les tests ADN le confirment / A Landais born under X finds his biological mother, DNA tests confirm it 20 July 2023
Abuses in foreign adoptions have not yet been investigated 18 July 2023
History of creation 16 July 2023
Wanted to offer a counter perspective to adoption stories with 'Return to Seoul' director Davy Chou 12 July 2023
'We found your birth mother': How Chile's children were stolen and adopted worldwide 28 June 2023
Qui Sommes Nous ? | Service Social International France 23 June 2023
How people adopted abroad are trapped by pseudo-detectives 23 June 2023
Website AFAENER offline - here the content June 2023
Fraudulent adoptions in Mali: judicial investigation opened in Paris 26 May 2023
“Finally legitimacy!” : after five years of procedures, Valérie is recognized as the mother of his children 14 May 2023
Dylan Thiry, influencer or "white savior"? 5 May 2023
Emblematic candidate of "Koh-Lanta", Dylan Thiry reveals to have been approached to "take 50,000 or 100,000€" in a vast "child t 24 April 2023
Adoptions of foreign children in France: historians report numerous frauds 2 April 2023
Essonne: Sentenced to 12 years in prison for having attempted to murder his adopted daughter with an ax 23 March 2023
Bought children, doctored files… A generation of adoptees in search of the truth 17 March 2023
Access to origins: from the recognition of a fundamental right to the emergence of new relational categories 16 March 2023
Racine | Service Social International France 27 February 2023
France and irregular international adoptions: a necessary restorative justice 12 February 2023
The scandal of forced adoptions 12 February 2023
Report points to 30 years of international adoption mishandling in France 10 February 2023
Implicated for "serious facts", an international adoption organization loses its accreditation 10 February 2023
Illicit international adoptions of children 10 February 2023
Report points to 30 years of international adoption mishandling in France 10 February 2023
False certificates and forced abandonment: study documents irregular adoptions of foreigners in France 9 February 2023
Le Quai d’Orsay retire son habilitation à l’œuvre d’adoption Rayon de soleil de l’enfant étranger 9 February 2023
The Quai d'Orsay withdraws its authorization for the Rayon de soleil adoption work for foreign children 9 February 2023
France wants the relaunch of international adoptions: eliminated the "do it yourself" and opening up to unmarried couples 4 February 2023
They fight to make the voices of children adopted abroad heard 1 January 2023
A few words to FFIA's adoptees from India 28 December 2022
130 babies do not find a place in French-speaking foster families 26 December 2022
Arrêté du 21 décembre 2022 portant abrogation des habilitations - RSEE 21 December 2022
Victims born in Romania call for a judicial inquiry 16 December 2022
Mali: Children kidnapped to be adopted in France 5 December 2022
Ça commence aujourd'hui - Identité, histoire familiale : ce test ADN qui a tout changé ! en streaming - Replay France 2 | France 29 November 2022
Marie Marre's fight for the truth to come out about illegal adoptions carried out between France and Mali 25 November 2022
The scandal of “stolen” children: the drift of a French association at the heart of a judicial investigation 23 November 2022
International adoptions: two brothers from Guatemala file a complaint in France for "kidnapping" 23 November 2022
Adoptions internationales : deux frères originaires du Guatemala portent plainte en France pour « enlèvement » 23 November 2022
The government launches an inspection mission on illicit practices in international adoption in France 8 November 2022
Bernard Arnault: Captain of the flagship of the bourgeoisie 26 October 2022
The Adoption Industry and the Adoptee Rights Movement 9 October 2022
"Why I need to know the truth about my adoption in Mali" 5 October 2022
The Story of Adoption 19 August 2022
Single man can 'buy' child with impunity 15 June 2022
Adoption, Racism, My Journey, My Truth Kindle Edition 11 May 2022
Birth by GPA in France: a complaint has been filed 6 May 2022
Subsidy to Servier laboratories: whistleblower Irène Frachon denounces a "scandal" 25 March 2022
International adoption figures 11 March 2022
Order of March 7, 2022 temporarily suspending international adoption procedures for children residing in Ukraine 7 March 2022
International Adoption Reform - Law to reform adoption comes into force 22 February 2022
French people of Malian origin file a complaint against an adoption organization 22 February 2022
Association "Les Grains de Riz" -- Association "The Grains of Rice" 8 February 2022
Adoptions of children: Parliament must validate a bill to facilitate the process 8 February 2022
'I was trafficked as a baby. At 30, I found family in Brazil' 31 January 2022
Adoption: a law that undermines the rights of the child 19 January 2022
Victims of illegal adoptions claim the truth about their plight 6 January 2022
France: why are international adoptions in free fall? 28 December 2021
A French woman sentenced for having abandoned a child she had adopted in the Congo 19 December 2021
Transnational adoptions, what consequences for children? The lighting of Amandine Gay, author and director 16 December 2021
"When we are adopted, we build ourselves on the idea that we necessarily have a better life in the West" 10 December 2021
In Guatemala, the lives of adopted children stolen 8 December 2021
Root | International Social Service France 2 December 2021
International adoptions continue to decline 24 October 2021
Jeunesse & Droit - JDJ - A parliamentary commission of inquiry is needed! 6 October 2021
Rick Lawson elected new FRA Management Board Vice-Chair 27 September 2021
Telangana: French woman killed, adopted daughter held 12 September 2021
The hidden face of international adoptions and mothers' rights in Vietnam 30 August 2021
The systematization of 'child exports' for economic and political aims 13 August 2021
Julie, adopted in Ethiopia at 6 years old: "I had to tell everyone that my mother was dead" 1 August 2021
The “stolen” children of Coutances: an adoption association in turmoil 1 August 2021
TESTIMONY. Tarn-et-Garonne: parents victims of a mafia adoption network file a complaint for fraud 2 July 2021
Adopted in Sri Lanka in 1985, she denounces child trafficking and files a complaint against X 2 July 2021
Mothers, we’re looking for you ! And yet… 1 July 2021
Right of reply from the adoption agency Les Enfants de Reine Miséricorde 29 June 2021
Door Frankrijk 'ontvoerde' kinderen van La Réunion eisen excuses 19 June 2021
Children of La Réunion 'abducted' by France demand apologies 19 June 2021
«Le roman de Renan» : un doc sensible et sensé sur l’adoption homoparentale 15 June 2021
Children abducted from Ethiopia 3 June 2021
"Orphans to adopt": in India, the market for children lost to the pandemic 28 May 2021
Why I had to stop my adoption approval application - BLOG 26 May 2021
TESTIMONY. From Finistère to Mali, Jean-Noël has a whole past to reconstruct 14 May 2021
Dassault Paid 1 Million Euros To Indian Middleman In Rafale Deal: Report 5 April 2021
CDA Zaanstad wants to see the consequences of investors in youth care 31 March 2021
Aude: a survivor tells us about the forgotten crash of the children of Vietnam 28 February 2021
Guatemala: children adopted from civil war join forces 25 February 2021
Adoption: à la recherche de ses racines - YouTube 12 January 2021
Christine Ockrent marâtre, Bernard Kouchner distant : Camille Kouchner acide 5 January 2021
Adopted, he believed he was an orphan: 22 years later, Antonin will find his biological parents 4 January 2021
French woman sentenced for abandoning child she adopted in Congo 19 December 2020
She abandons the child she has just adopted in Congo: a condemned Frenchwoman 19 December 2020
The right to adoption soon recognized for unmarried couples 23 November 2020
?French adoptee finds Vietnamese family hours before Covid-19 lockdown 13 November 2020
Mediator scandal: influence in the audience 15 September 2020
Bernard Arnaud the great puppeteer - oldgaffer 7 August 2020
La plainte de neuf Français d’origine malienne pour « escroquerie » à l’adoption classée sans suite 8 July 2020
Au Mali, une ancienne magistrate continue de dénoncer des adoptions frauduleuses 15 June 2020
Soupçons d’adoptions irrégulières au Mali : Rayon de soleil déjà impliqué dans une autre affaire 10 June 2020
“It's difficult for biological families, and also for adopting families”: from Finistère to the Sahel, a past to recompose 10 June 2020
From Paris to Bamako, Marie M.'s painful quest for truth about the circumstances of her adoption, thirty-two years ago 9 June 2020
Neuf Français d’origine malienne portent plainte contre un organisme d’adoption 8 June 2020
Nine French nationals of Mali origin file a complaint against an adoption agency 8 June 2020
Adoptions au Mali : en quête de vérité (video 30 min) 8 June 2020
Children were robbed from their parents to be adopted here, and they looked the other way 9 March 2020
Children were robbed from their parents to be adopted here, and they looked the other way 9 March 2020
Rennes : la bataille d'une famille bretonne pour obtenir la nationalité française de leur fille adoptive 27 January 2020
FERMETURE DU SERVICE ADOPTION - Medecins du Monde 31 December 2019
French life beckons two brothers from Vadodara orphaned at young age 20 December 2019
"Reynders weakened the rule of law" 29 November 2019
Haïti: plus de 200.000 enfants exploités comme domestiques 26 November 2019
French couple shot dead in Haiti while seeking adoption, officials say 25 November 2019
Olivier Rousteing a cherché sa mère biologique : “Pour savoir où on va, on a besoin de connaître nos racines” 21 November 2019
What the CIA knew and wrote about Jacques Chirac 30 September 2019
L'oeil et la main Adopte-moi 23 September 2019
Adoptée, Émilie Ducrot soutient que l'adoption internationale n'est "pas une chance" 18 September 2019
Adoptions illégales d’enfants sri-lankais : Neil et Nour en quête de leurs vraies origines 9 August 2019
Les enfants abandonnés de Roumanie 15 July 2019
Un rapport parlementaire avance des pistes pour mieux prendre en charge les enfants placés 3 July 2019
Les victimes d'un vaste trafic à l'adoption au Sri Lanka, en quête de vérité sur leurs origines 25 June 2019
14 French, Dutch orphans repatriated from Syria 10 June 2019
Enfants “ abandonnés ” : le procès des parents à Tours 7 June 2019
Vers une réforme du système français de l'adoption 27 May 2019
De opkomst van kinderadoptie 17 May 2019
L'adoption en Roumanie dans le contexte international des années 1980-1990 30 March 2019
Brothers’ au revoir to Ahmedabad 28 March 2019
Ahmedabad: French couple adopts 2 orphan kids 28 March 2019
Destined for Export The troubled legacy of Guatemalan adoptions 16 March 2019
3 kids given for adoption abroad on fake papers 21 November 2018
L’ambassade de France s’engage pour la protection de l’enfance et de la famille aux côtés des autorités judiciaires et associati 17 September 2018
UNICEF and French government join efforts to improve International Adoption Standards in Viet Nam 24 August 2018
UNICEF and French government join efforts to improve International Adoption Standards in Viet Nam 24 July 2018
French adoption service: "Holebis are deviant and therefore suitable for deviant children" 20 June 2018
France: Adoption au Congo: L'espoir renait pour les familles 11 January 2018
Child Trafficking: The Consequence of Lack of Leadership 10 September 2017
Cum a vândut Nicolae Ceau?escu copiii români unor familii din Fran?a 26 July 2017
Haiti - France : Presentation of the Legion of Honor to Arielle Jeanty Villedrouin 17 May 2017
Indian ruling party politician arrested over illegal adoption ring 1 March 2017
Adoptions en Dominique - suspension (06.01.2017) 6 January 2017
Accessing adoption files and information on the biological family | European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights 2017
Adoption en RD Congo : un quatrième Noël sans les enfants 27 December 2016
La France refuse de délivrer des visas à 54 enfants de RDC adoptés par des familles françaises 9 December 2016
La France va suspendre les adoptions d'enfants en RDC 24 November 2016
La France va suspendre les adoptions d’enfants en RD Congo 14 November 2016
‘I felt abandoned’: children stolen by France try to find their past, 50 years on 22 October 2016
Adoptions à l’étranger: un projet de réorganisation inquiète les familles 2 October 2016
"Mutter Teresa rettete mich aus dem Mülleimer" 9 September 2016
European Parliament - Regulating international surrogacy arrangements - state of play 21 July 2016
European Parliament: Briefing - Adoption of children in the European Union 1 June 2016
Communiqué relatif à la suspension des adoptions internationales en Éthiopie (4.05.2016) 4 May 2016
Small child found hidden in plane passenger’s carry-on luggage 9 March 2016
Une femme voyage d'Istanbul à Paris avec une enfant dissimulée dans un sac 9 March 2016
transport-enfants-clandestins-France-Turquie-Haïti 9 March 2016
Adoption in the DRC: small children end up "domestic or sexual slaves" 31 January 2016
Justice : plus d’adoption internationale en RDC jusqu’à nouvel ordre 3 November 2015
Congo clears the way for 72 adoptions after 2-year wait 2 November 2015
Laurence Rossignol se désintéresse des enfants français maltraités à l’étranger 29 May 2015
Congo. Si intensifica l’attività diplomatica per risolvere il blocco delle adozioni. Le missioni dell’Autorità Centrale francese 8 April 2015
Adopter aux Etats-Unis 1 April 2015
The adoption of foreign children to the lowest in 30 years in France 1 March 2015
Né sous X, il dénonce « l’injustice » de la loi française 23 February 2015
Protection des enfants français maltraités à l’étranger : mon amendement adopté 2 February 2015
Conference: Prevention of Family Breakdown due to Poverty 17 September 2014
Quand adopter un enfant au Sénégal devient un cauchemar 23 July 2014
Italians continue to lead in the number of Russian adoptions 7 July 2014
French couple take adopted sons home 19 June 2014
Moscou interdit l'adoption d'enfants par des Français célibataires 13 February 2014
American Involvement in the Nuremberg War Crimes Trial Process 1 February 2014
France suspends adoptions from Central African Republic 17 January 2014
Latvia - intercountry adoption - info from Latvian Ministry - only Hague countries 1 January 2014
Misguided Saviors: An Analysis of International Adoption Issues and Necessary Considerations for Prospective Adoptive Parents 1 September 2013
Misguided Saviors: An Analysis of International Adoption Issues and Necessary Considerations for Prospective Adoptive Parents 1 September 2013
French and U.S. embassies, interested in the Adoption law 19 June 2013
Legea adop?iilor, in aten?ia ambasadelor Fran?ei ?i SUA 19 June 2013
Adoption : les temps sont durs 6 June 2013
Près d’une centaine d’enfants congolais adoptés par des familles françaises visités par la ministre du Genre 22 May 2013
Arhitect FRANCEZ, trimis în judecat? la Oradea pentru PEDOFILIE 17 May 2013
Simple or full adoption ? 16 May 2013
Mali: French Families Press Mali to Scrap Ban On Foreign Adoption 10 April 2013
Moscow to create database of Russian children with foreign families – Lavrov 22 March 2013
Algeria postpones trial of suspected child traffickers 17 February 2013
Algérie : treize personnes jugées pour trafic d'enfants vers la France 17 February 2013
External Evaluation Medical Treatment Programme (ToR) 1 February 2013
“Sucker Love is Heaven Sent” – A Romanian Yoga Cult Under Investigation 21 December 2012
Arche de Zoé : retour sur un fiasco humanitaire 2 December 2012
France delays debate on gay marriage and adoption, amid mounting opposition 19 October 2012
The day in 1981 when Bernard Arnault (LVMH) chose exile in the United States to flee the socialists 9 October 2012
MdM: Aux origines de la mission Adoption April 2012
Haiti - Social : 154,000 Euros to fight against the abandonment of Haitian children 12 February 2012
French care leavers overcoming the odds 13 January 2012
Anchetat pentru pedofilantropie 15 December 2011
South Africa tightens rules for foreign adoptions 14 October 2011
Die verschwundenen Kinder von El Salvador 29 August 2011
Indo-french baby trade commission 27 July 2011
Salvadoran group dogged in search for children missing years ago in civil war 24 July 2011
Profit, not care: The ugly side of overseas adoptions 5 June 2011
One million USD for taking care child adoption in Vietnam 25 April 2011
Adoption : le double abandon d'Addis, petite Ethiopienne 21 April 2011
Il n'est jamais interdit d'adopter un étranger 8 April 2011
Une demande d'adoption en France ne peut s'appuyer sur un acte notarié non légalisé dans le pays d'origine 6 April 2011
Imbroglio juridique pour les enfants haïtiens adoptés 31 March 2011
Ukraine/adoption: 2 Français arrêtés 21 March 2011
L'ambassadeur français des adoptions s'inspire des Américains 17 March 2011
Les adoptions internationales en hausse de 14 % en France 12 January 2011
Haitian orphans beat red tape 24 December 2010
Polémique en France autour de l’adoption des enfants haïtiens 23 December 2010
Haiti: A child for Christmas? 22 December 2010
Haïti & France. Ces adoptions sont "précipitées et éthiquement condamnables", selon Pierre Lévy-Soussan, pédopsychiatre 21 December 2010
Exclusif - Accord franco-haïtien pour évacuer les enfants en cours d'adoption 14 December 2010
Netherlands temporarily halts adoptions from Haiti 13 December 2010
Haïti : conséquences de l’épidémie de choléra sur les procédures d’adoption (23 novembre 2010) 23 November 2010
Le Conseil constitutionnel censure un accord d'expulsion des mineurs roumains 4 November 2010
Séminaire sur l’Adoption Internationale Mali 26 October 2010
Une grave affaire atterrit au tribunal d'Alger 1 October 2010
Libya: 105 Children Kidnapped in Misrata Orphanage 13 July 2010
French Supreme Court Recognizes Foreign Gay Adoption 9 July 2010
Haiti: Paris wants to accelerate the adoption of children 17 May 2010
Over 80 adopted children are abandoned each year 3 May 2010
Présentation du Rapport Général 2009 de l’A.F.A. 29 April 2010
Actualité Vietnam (29 Avril 2010) 29 April 2010
Russia drafts agreements on adoption with several European countries 29 April 2010
Russian Ministry of Education and Science releases new list of homestudy agencies with missing postplacement reports 10 April 2010
Three children from the BRESMA orphanage are headed to Guadeloupe 20 March 2010
IAWG urges better adoption process 24 February 2010
La France, premier pays adoptant, loin devant les Etats-Unis 10 February 2010
Ein Baby für 5000 Dollar 8 February 2010
Nepal 'should suspend' adoptions 5 February 2010
Haïti: Paris propose la création d'une commission bilatérale pour étudier les dossiers d'adoption 2 February 2010
Evacuation des enfants en cours d’adoption en Haïti : c’est la honte… 26 January 2010
Adopted orphans arrive in France as UNICEF raises trafficking fears 22 January 2010
Children missing from Haiti hospitals: UNICEF 22 January 2010
Countries to fast-track Haiti adoption 22 January 2010
Kouchner : 276 enfants haïtiens en voie d'adoption rapatriés en France 20 January 2010
Adoption d'enfants haïtiens : Kouchner ne veut pas être "accusé d'enlèvement" 19 January 2010
53 Haitian orphans arrive at Pittsburgh airport 19 January 2010
Haïti/adoption: les enfants aux dossiers complets seront évacués 18 January 2010
Haïti/adoption: Kouchner répond 17 January 2010
Pétition d'un collectif pour un rapatriement rapide d'Haïtiens adoptés 16 January 2010
Orphanage: Adoption plan needed for Haitian children 15 January 2010
Article Particuliers mais adoptables January 2010
Les homosexuels bousculent les règles de l'adoption 25 November 2009
Adoption : des progrès mais peut mieux faire 23 November 2009
Violences dans un orphelinat de la Fondation Zannier Holybaby 20 November 2009
Nicolin : « Non à une loi sur l'adoption par les homosexuels » 13 November 2009
Court grants homosexual couple the right to adopt a child 10 November 2009
L'institutrice homosexuelle peut adopter 10 November 2009
Police in Vietnam have arrested two people suspected of trafficking 20 babies in the communist country since 2007, a report said 9 November 2009
La France tente de s'adapter à la baisse de l'adoption 1 November 2009
Un conseil général à la barre face à un couple homosexuel 15 October 2009
Accouchement sous X : la justice ouvre une brèche 10 October 2009
Enfant né sous X : des grands-parents pourront prouver leur filiation 8 October 2009
Josephine Baker's Rainbow Tribe 2 October 2009
16 on trial in Vietnam adoption scandal 22 September 2009
Seven Nepali kids handed over to adoptive parentsKantipur Report 15 September 2009
Guatemalan army stole children for adoption, report says 12 September 2009
Criminal Investigation Bureau busts smugglers 9 August 2009
Child-trafficking ring smashed: media 9 August 2009
Wartime orphans of shame unite 19 July 2009
Three jailed for child trafficking 26 June 2009
French men's insecurity over paternity of offspring creating 'a society of doubt' 30 May 2009
Adoption Alerte 6 March 2009
No Adoption in France for Algerian/Moroccan Children 6 February 2009
State sees no loopholes in adoption 6 February 2009
Le système français de l'adoption internationale, jugé "défaillant" par le président de la Cour des Comptes Philippe Séguin 4 February 2009
France proposes bilateral commission with Haiti to examine adoption procedures 4 February 2009
French authorities visit Haiti 22 January 2009
The children of Toukoul 2 January 2009
Les dérives de l'adoption au Cambodge January 2009
Embassies push for transparency in adoptions 7 December 2008
A plan to facilitate adoptions in France 29 July 2008
Trade of Children (Voice of Children) 13 June 2008
Claire Gibault and international adoption 30 April 2008
Adoption Alerte 26 February 2008
People who go abroad to adopt January 2008
Mrs. Boudault writes to us about the adoption of Malian children: If there is a culprit, it is Rayon de Soleil France * 12 November 2007
Mail Sandberg to: EU changes position (Strategy) 1 November 2007
Juin 2007 : suspension des adoptions en Slovaquie June 2007
Enfants roumains évaporés en France 10 March 2007
Nachwuchs auf Bestellung 8 December 2005
Tiriac sues "Le Point" 3 December 2005
Helsinki Commission Testimony 14 September 2005
Business with poverty 29 June 2005
France/Madagascar: Adoptions issue soon to be settled 16 April 2005
Child trafficking and adoption An illegal adoption network in Madagascar, bound for France 12 May 2004
France admits having adopted 73 Romanian children 17 February 2004
Un réseau d'adoption illégale à Madagascar, à destination de la France 1 January 2004
Codegaz brochure 1 May 2003
Les 11.000 mailles – “Academia Catavencu” 18 July 2001
Enfants vendus, enfants bafoues, enfants trahis 1 January 2000
Babyverkoop in Polen? 23 September 1994
Treaties and International Agreements registered or filed and recorded with the Secretariat of the United Nations 28 February 1994
Booming Polish Market: Blond, Blue-Eyed Babies 19 April 1992
French Documentary: Trafic d'enfants roumains 1 June 1991
French/Romanian agreement on humanitarian aid 7 November 1990
63 children by plane to France from Romania 6 January 1990
Une si longue attente; Les séquestrés de Bucarest 20 April 1989
Après dix ans de procédure Soixante-quatorze enfants roumains pourront rejoindre leurs parents adoptifs en France 21 July 1988
Soixante-quatorze enfants roumains pourront rejoindre leurs parents adoptifs en France 20 July 1988
Communiqués - 74 adoptions agreed Romania - France + no more new adoptions 20 July 1988
Stoffelen Report on Trade in Children (CoE) - Doc 5777 1 January 1987
A question of interests : Inter-country Adoption 1 October 1983
Un siècle d’adoption des enfants en France (1923-2023)