Root | International Social Service France

2 December 2021


Over the past 20 years a significant number of intercountry adoptions have taken place from abroad to France. The adoptees of the early 2000s are now major or in the process of becoming so. Also, more and more of them feel the legitimate need to search for their origins. Because this research is a complex and not without risk, being able to support them is today the great challenge to be taken up for the central authorities and all the actors of the adoption.

In order to offer comprehensive, free and quality support to adoptees wishing to reconnect with their origins, the ISS France launched on September 29, 2021, during a webinar, the RACINE project (Search for origins, Support, Cooperation, Identification of partners, Narration, Listening).

Supported financially by the International Adoption Mission of the Ministry for Europe and Foreign Affairs (Central Authority responsible for intercountry adoption) in its pilot phase, this project will focus on three countries chosen due to the large number of 'adoptions that have been carried out there and / or the large number of requests currently received by the French central authority:

Ethiopia (4,303 adoptions to France between 2001 and 2020)

Haiti (5,930 adoptions to France between 2001 and 2020)

Sri Lanka (109 adoptions to France between 2001 and 2020 but with a strong influx of requests for adoptions from the years 1980-1990)

This project aims to:


Take stock of adoption in these countries over the past 20 years and produce summary sheets;

Identify in these countries, by relying on the global network of the ISS represented in 130 countries, reliable partners who have never served as intermediaries in adoptions, who can liaise with the central authorities, carry out research and support locally adopted;

Provide a space for discussion, listening and both individual and collective support to adoptees;

Guide the adoptees and support them in their efforts.

The support offered by ISS France within the framework of this project is based on the principles of action of the ISS network and is adapted to the demands and needs of each:

Listening, guidance, support and support in research;

Obtaining the file;

Attempt to reunite the biological parents (tracing);

Mediation between the adopted person and the biological family;

Support in the country of origin.


Support groups for adopted people, led by professionals specializing in adoption and the search for origins, will be organized once a month at the ISS France headquarters or by videoconference.


Before embarking on a search for origins, SSI France invites you to read the guide written by our colleagues from SSI / CIR.

For more information on the RACINE project, do not hesitate to contact us.


