Title |
Publication date |
Why countries are banning international adoptions |
14 February 2025 |
Open Adoption in Practice: Eunique's Story |
29 August 2024 |
DNA pilot project with Voie d'Espoir |
10 July 2024 |
Path of hope |
10 July 2024 |
Halted adoption process leaves Utah woman stuck in Haiti |
25 March 2024 |
Halted adoption process leaves Utah woman stuck in Haiti |
25 March 2024 |
Three Ethiopian Belgians testify: unfortunately, adoption is not a feel-good story |
21 February 2024 |
American founder of orphanage in Haiti is charged with having sex with minors |
23 January 2024 |
Genesis of the project: International Social Service |
19 January 2024 |
Guatemala’s baby brokers: how thousands of children were stolen for adoption |
4 January 2024 |
Foreign adoption freeze is new episode in long-running saga: 'Realize that this can be hard' |
15 December 2023 |
Network meeting 17 June 2023 Meet & Greet for Haitian adoptees (17+) Meeting, connecting and sharing Haitian roots |
17 June 2023 |
Looking inside Miranda and adopted child Mica: 'This house is a wink from heaven' |
9 April 2023 |
International adoption: when quest for origins comes up against omerta |
15 March 2023 |
False certificates and forced abandonment: study documents irregular adoptions of foreigners in France |
9 February 2023 |
Le Quai d’Orsay retire son habilitation à l’œuvre d’adoption Rayon de soleil de l’enfant étranger |
9 February 2023 |
The 'stolen' children scandal: The abuses of a French non-profit organization under judicial investigation |
11 December 2022 |
The scandal of “stolen” children: the drift of a French association at the heart of a judicial investigation |
23 November 2022 |
My Family: Miranda (49) single-handedly adopted Mica (5) from Haiti |
6 October 2022 |
'He calls me Dad.' Guardian raises money to adopt boy he found in trash in his native Haiti |
21 August 2022 |
The Relationship between Intercountry Adoption and Human Trafficking |
16 January 2022 |
France: why are international adoptions in free fall? |
28 December 2021 |
Governor signs one bill for adoption agency licensing rules, vetoes the other |
28 December 2021 |
A French woman sentenced for having abandoned a child she had adopted in the Congo |
19 December 2021 |
With which countries will Flanders still cooperate for adoption? Stricter screening must prevent abuses |
10 December 2021 |
“It is imperative to place rights and ethics at the center of the international adoption system” |
10 December 2021 |
Root | International Social Service France |
2 December 2021 |
North Texas woman who played role in horrific abuse pleads guilty in adoption scam Read more at: https://www.star-telegram.com/ |
19 November 2021 |
Save the Children Warns Against Risk of Trafficking of Children from Haiti |
27 August 2021 |
Georgette Mulheir: How to Defend Haiti’s Democracy |
30 March 2021 |
The serious consequences of disorderly adoption in Haiti |
13 March 2021 |
Adoption report Joustra Committee: besides pain, finally recognition |
12 March 2021 |
Defend Haiti’s democracy and proud legacy of overthrowing slavery |
12 January 2021 |
Number Of Haitian Children In Need Rises, Along With Adoption Regulation, Turmoil |
30 November 2020 |
Number Of Haitian Children In Need Rises, Along With Adoption Regulation, Turmoil |
20 November 2020 |
Nancy Santing from Emmen draws attention to adoption |
11 November 2020 |
Michel Joseph launches "Voie d'espoir" to continue making people happy |
16 September 2020 |
Adoption. More than 20 families reunited by journalist Michel Joseph in five years |
19 August 2020 |
Volunteer work: A social service employee helps with adoptions abroad |
23 July 2020 |
Adopted children find their family through DNA: 'my mother has always been looking for me' |
27 June 2020 |
Bijzondere thuiskomst uit Haïti |
9 May 2020 |
Special homecoming from Haiti |
9 May 2020 |
APOM Help for the Orphans of Maissade - Haiti |
9 May 2020 |
Rennes : la bataille d'une famille bretonne pour obtenir la nationalité française de leur fille adoptive |
27 January 2020 |
Adoptieprocedures Haïti tijdelijk opgeschort |
18 December 2019 |
Haïti: plus de 200.000 enfants exploités comme domestiques |
26 November 2019 |
French couple shot dead in Haiti while seeking adoption, officials say |
25 November 2019 |
Verdiepingsmiddag voor volwassen geadopteerden groot succes |
6 October 2019 |
"Warum meine Adoption keine Rettung war.????????????Auf Klo" on YouTube |
27 June 2019 |
Tragische verhalen: veel misstanden rond adoptie in Haïti |
3 June 2019 |
NAS: Verklaring na uitzending 2 juni jl. (Nieuwsuur) |
3 June 2019 |
Nieuwsuur: Kinderen in Haïti weggehaald bij ouders en verdwenen naar buitenland |
2 June 2019 |
Adoptiekinderen Haïti: dna-match is enige hoop op hereniging |
2 June 2019 |
Courtcase child abuse: PAP Haiti - Netherlands |
26 January 2019 |
Haiti demands Oxfam identify staff who paid sex workers |
12 February 2018 |
The European Commission and Lumos highlight the link between trafficking and children in institutions |
18 October 2017 |
Haiti - France : Presentation of the Legion of Honor to Arielle Jeanty Villedrouin |
17 May 2017 |
Une femme voyage d'Istanbul à Paris avec une enfant dissimulée dans un sac |
9 March 2016 |
transport-enfants-clandestins-France-Turquie-Haïti |
9 March 2016 |
Small child found hidden in plane passenger’s carry-on luggage |
9 March 2016 |
Overhaul of adoption in Haiti means fewer kids go overseas, alarming some and pleasing others |
8 May 2015 |
The kids are OK is a production of Metropolisfilm in collaboration with the NCRV. Directed by Ton Wolswijk. |
15 January 2015 |
Treaty’s tighter adoption rules kick in for Haiti |
5 April 2014 |
Haiti judge: US citizen faces trafficking charges |
25 February 2014 |
Three States join the 1993 Hague Intercountry Adoption Convention |
20 December 2013 |
Misguided Saviors: An Analysis of International Adoption Issues and Necessary Considerations for Prospective Adoptive Parents |
1 September 2013 |
Misguided Saviors: An Analysis of International Adoption Issues and Necessary Considerations for Prospective Adoptive Parents |
1 September 2013 |
Haiti - Social : UNICEF congratulates and encourages the Haitian State for its determination |
17 June 2012 |
International case of missing orphan has local ties |
2 June 2012 |
Haiti. Toward a resumption of international adoptions? |
27 March 2012 |
Haiti - Social : 154,000 Euros to fight against the abandonment of Haitian children |
12 February 2012 |
Letter MoJ to Dutch Parliament |
22 December 2011 |
26 September 2011 |
Montreal Group - Haiti |
14 July 2011 |
L'adoption internationale : une priorité qu'on veut nous imposer |
27 June 2011 |
Haiti Presidential Decree to Tighten International Adoptions |
24 June 2011 |
Human traffickers sell children to paedophiles (Germany, Haiti) |
15 April 2011 |
Association Meeting for Crèche (orphanage) Directors |
14 April 2011 |
The scandal of orphanages in tourist resorts and disaster zones that rent children to fleece gullible Westerners |
10 April 2011 |
Une demande d'adoption en France ne peut s'appuyer sur un acte notarié non légalisé dans le pays d'origine |
6 April 2011 |
'Adoptie uit Haïti kan' |
31 March 2011 |
Imbroglio juridique pour les enfants haïtiens adoptés |
31 March 2011 |
For-Profit Orphanages Keep Haitian Families Apart |
21 March 2011 |
L'ambassadeur français des adoptions s'inspire des Américains |
17 March 2011 |
Angelina Jolie has denied reports adoption of a child from Haiti |
12 February 2011 |
Brangelina want to adopt Haitian girl |
8 February 2011 |
Poinsette: Adopting Third World children is voluntary colonization |
31 January 2011 |
Adoption auf Haiti: Grego hat nicht geweint |
1 January 2011 |
Haitian orphans beat red tape |
24 December 2010 |
Polémique en France autour de l’adoption des enfants haïtiens |
23 December 2010 |
Haiti: A child for Christmas? |
22 December 2010 |
Obama signs two key adoption bills |
21 December 2010 |
Haïti & France. Ces adoptions sont "précipitées et éthiquement condamnables", selon Pierre Lévy-Soussan, pédopsychiatre |
21 December 2010 |
Exclusif - Accord franco-haïtien pour évacuer les enfants en cours d'adoption |
14 December 2010 |
Netherlands temporarily halts adoptions from Haiti |
13 December 2010 |
Haïti : conséquences de l’épidémie de choléra sur les procédures d’adoption (23 novembre 2010) |
23 November 2010 |
Anderson Cooper: Keeping Them Honest: Haiti's forgotten children |
20 November 2010 |
House Leaders Weigh Haiti Bill as Vehicle for Immigration Measure |
17 November 2010 |
Speech Susan Jacobs - US State Dep Briefing on International Adoption-Related Issues |
1 November 2010 |
After Haiti Quake, the Chaos of U.S. Adoptions |
3 August 2010 |
ISS Report Haiti |
1 August 2010 |
Good comes from chaos in Haiti |
28 July 2010 |
Bethany Reports Adoption Increases Up 26 Percent for 2010 |
19 July 2010 |
From Empty Nesters to New Parents |
15 July 2010 |
2 procent van toegezegd geld bereikt Haïti |
15 July 2010 |
Utah-Based Volunteers in Haiti See Long Recovery, |
14 July 2010 |
Found: the nine-year-old orphan who became the symbol of Haiti's tragedy |
12 July 2010 |
22 Haitian orphans get permanent families in Colorado |
10 July 2010 |
In Haiti, aftershocks of a mother's wrenching decision |
19 June 2010 |
Meet Mazie Grace: This is the 3-year-old's journey from Haiti to Cadott |
18 June 2010 |
Unanswered Questions Abound on the Plight of Haitian “Adoptees” in the U.S. |
27 May 2010 |
CCAI hosts Haiti Convening to assist in rebuilding Haiti’s child welfare system |
27 May 2010 |
US senators unveil plan to aid Haiti orphans |
26 May 2010 |
Haiti: Paris wants to accelerate the adoption of children |
17 May 2010 |
Wariness and uncertainty as Haiti adoptions resume |
17 May 2010 |
Orphanage preparing for influx of children |
13 May 2010 |
The Last Babylift |
10 May 2010 |
Desperate parents abandon children in Haiti |
9 May 2010 |
U.S. couples fear hurdles rising for foreign adoption |
8 May 2010 |
Bigger love: Declo family enriched by adopted children |
5 May 2010 |
Over 80 adopted children are abandoned each year |
3 May 2010 |
IBESR Accepting New Adoption Cases |
29 April 2010 |
Miracle in Haiti: ‘Orphan Jonatha’ — actually Lovely — rejoins her family |
24 April 2010 |
Saskatchewan Welcomes Adopted Children From Haiti Earthquake |
20 April 2010 |
Split arises over adoptions from Haiti |
14 April 2010 |
Haitis Kinder ( Film ) |
11 April 2010 |
Divisions arise over push for adoptions from Haiti |
10 April 2010 |
Minutes CP meeting 9 April 2010 |
9 April 2010 |
Little Maya Esther's Adoption Is Official |
8 April 2010 |
210 Million Reasons to Adopt |
7 April 2010 |
Haiti's devastating quake reminds us that orphans matter to God. |
7 April 2010 |
Special Humanitarian Parole Program for Haitian Orphans Draws to a Close at Request of Haitian GovernmentUSCIS Update |
7 April 2010 |
'Miracle' comes full circle with reunion of Haitian baby and parents |
6 April 2010 |
Summary Report: Haiti safeguards and Protection |
April 2010 |
Post-quake snag slows adoptions from Haiti |
30 March 2010 |
Haiti's children held hostage by UNICEF's agenda |
26 February 2010 |
Questions surround status of Haitian kids in Pa |
25 February 2010 |
Questions Surface After Haitian Airlift |
23 February 2010 |
Former President Bill Clinton on Haiti, Orphans, & Adoption |
22 February 2010 |
U.S. won't admit 12 BRESMA orphans |
20 February 2010 |
UNICEF Seeks to Keep Kids Out of Haiti Orphanages |
18 February 2010 |
Earthquake Opens Doors, Fears of Child Trafficking |
11 February 2010 |
Unicef warns against Haiti child smuggling |
10 February 2010 |
La France, premier pays adoptant, loin devant les Etats-Unis |
10 February 2010 |
Haïti, de l'adoption au trafic |
10 February 2010 |
Haitian boy’s new family in Lolo struggles to pay the bills |
8 February 2010 |
Ein Baby für 5000 Dollar |
8 February 2010 |
Nach der Erdbeben-Hölle von Haiti klagt ein Vater an Menschenhändler haben meine kleine Theresa Jenny entführt |
8 February 2010 |
Zwei Kinder sitzen in Chile fest, weil ihre Adoptiveltern nach dem Erdbeben sofort helfen wollten. |
7 February 2010 |
Bleak Portrait of Haiti Orphanages Raises Fears |
6 February 2010 |
More Haitian orphans coming to Utah |
6 February 2010 |
Minnesotan also encounters Haitian orphan issue |
5 February 2010 |
Haiti's orphans best helped with localized solutions, Buckner International president says |
5 February 2010 |
Desperate parents' plea: Please take our children |
2 February 2010 |
Haïti: Paris propose la création d'une commission bilatérale pour étudier les dossiers d'adoption |
2 February 2010 |
Child arrives from Haiti |
1 February 2010 |
Haiti Orphan Appeal: "I am no orphan" says 8 year old transportee |
31 January 2010 |
Utahns working on last minute deal for Haitian orphans |
29 January 2010 |
Adoption: neuf enfants haïtiens sont arrivés en Suisse |
29 January 2010 |
Koblenzer Adoptionsverein holte Kinder aus Erdbebengebiet in Haiti |
29 January 2010 |
Setting Orphans' Path to U.S. |
29 January 2010 |
With one last flight to Haiti, Operation Stork winds down |
29 January 2010 |
Haitian children stand by waiting plane for clearance to fly to Utah |
29 January 2010 |
Haïti. Les mercenaires de la foi prospèrent sur les décombres |
27 January 2010 |
Senators speak out for Haitian orphans |
27 January 2010 |
Haiti adoptions: Keeping youths in the right hands |
27 January 2010 |
Haiti's orphans: Why they remain in limbo |
27 January 2010 |
Haiti slows orphan flights over human trafficking concerns (Bellerive signed for 3 flights) |
27 January 2010 |
Orphaned Haitian children arrive in Ottawa |
27 January 2010 |
Senators push for more efficient Haiti adoptions |
26 January 2010 |
Haiti Halts Departures of Orphans |
26 January 2010 |
The Africa for Haiti Campaign: Africa Mobilizes Assistance |
26 January 2010 |
Child experts warn not to rush Haiti adoptions |
26 January 2010 |
Fears that child traffickers are targeting Haitian orphans in quake chaos |
26 January 2010 |
Evacuation des enfants en cours d’adoption en Haïti : c’est la honte… |
26 January 2010 |
Disaster in Haiti gives adoption 'new energy' |
25 January 2010 |
More setbacks for Utahns waiting to adopt Haitian orphans (birth Father) |
25 January 2010 |
25 January 2010 |
Haiti, La Clinton Contro Bertolaso: ''Troppo Facile Fare Il Processo Del Lunedì'' |
25 January 2010 |
Adoption agencies field calls about Haitian orphans |
25 January 2010 |
No EU plan foreseen to fast-track adoptions of Haiti children |
25 January 2010 |
Girls’ Rescue From Haiti Expands Family by Two |
25 January 2010 |
Keine EU-Regeln für Adoptivkinder aus Haiti |
25 January 2010 |
Adopción de niños en Haití no es buena idea según la Comision Europea |
25 January 2010 |
Haiti's PM in Canada for International Meeting on Earthquake Recovery |
24 January 2010 |
Lassegue told the German Press Agency dpa that the government has put a halt to new adoptions |
24 January 2010 |
Plane with 1st group of Haitian orphans arrives in Canada |
24 January 2010 |
Plane of adopted Haitian children to arrive Sunday |
23 January 2010 |
Ottawa urges prospective parents to be patient over adoptions |
23 January 2010 |
Notice to Families Regarding Travel |
23 January 2010 |
Call for halt to Haiti adoptions over traffickers |
23 January 2010 |
President Ma calls on domestic groups to adopt Haiti orphans |
23 January 2010 |
Haitian girl arrives safely in Utah for adoption |
23 January 2010 |
23 January 2010 |
Israel mulling Haiti adoptions |
23 January 2010 |
83 Haitian adoptees arrive in Miami |
23 January 2010 |
Harper says long-term challenge in Haiti is to rescue 'shattered society' |
22 January 2010 |
22.1.10 Deutschland erleichtert Einreise von Adoptivkindern aus Haiti |
22 January 2010 |
One more horror for Haiti kids |
22 January 2010 |
EU wil adoptie van Haïti–wezen regelen |
22 January 2010 |
22 January 2010 |
Feds sorting out status of 2-year-old Haitian orphan flown into PBIA |
22 January 2010 |
Adopted orphans arrive in France as UNICEF raises trafficking fears |
22 January 2010 |
Directeur Stichting Wereldkinderen over zijn ervaringen op Haïti (Video) |
22 January 2010 |
Children missing from Haiti hospitals: UNICEF |
22 January 2010 |
Countries to fast-track Haiti adoption |
22 January 2010 |
EU urged to fast-track adoptions from Haiti: Spanish presidency |
22 January 2010 |
Haitian girl, 2, still in federal custody |
21 January 2010 |
Dutch Airlift Brings 123 Haitian Orphans to Netherlands for Adoption |
21 January 2010 |
Miami Herald reports that Haitian community wants children to be cared for in Haiti |
21 January 2010 |
Haiti hope all in the family |
21 January 2010 |
What the U.S.A. Should Do About Haiti Earthquake Orphans |
21 January 2010 |
Las ONG desaconsejan las adopciones de niños en Haití tras el terremoto |
21 January 2010 |
Sisters relieved to have Haitian orphans in Pa. |
21 January 2010 |
No Haitian Children for Adoption in Finland |
21 January 2010 |
Kinder aus Haiti unterwegs nach Luxemburg |
21 January 2010 |
Haiti: World Vision fordert ein Adoptionsmoratorium |
20 January 2010 |
Chances for Children Launches 'Haiti Renewal Fund' With $2 Million From Foster Friess |
20 January 2010 |
Unicef: 'Pas op voor overhaaste adopties' |
20 January 2010 |
Kouchner : 276 enfants haïtiens en voie d'adoption rapatriés en France |
20 January 2010 |
NCFA Response to Haitian Crisis |
19 January 2010 |
Haiti Earthquake Appeal: False claims of "million orphans" |
19 January 2010 |
Die Kinder in Haiti, Verletzt, traumatisiert und verwaist |
19 January 2010 |
Verletzt, traumatisiert und verwaist |
19 January 2010 |
Hilfe für Haiti aus Palling |
19 January 2010 |
In Sorge um Waisenhaus in Haiti |
19 January 2010 |
Pedro Pan plan for Haiti unlikely to happen |
19 January 2010 |
Canada, Bring Haitian Kids Home |
19 January 2010 |
Vliegtuig adoptiekinderen op Curaçao |
19 January 2010 |
Adoption d'enfants haïtiens : Kouchner ne veut pas être "accusé d'enlèvement" |
19 January 2010 |
Haitis Erdbebenkinder sind begehrt |
19 January 2010 |
Haitianische Kinder bald zur Adoption in Deutschland |
19 January 2010 |
Now is not the time for Haitian adoptions, says agency |
19 January 2010 |
Unicef waarschuwt voor haast in adoptiedossiers |
19 January 2010 |
53 Haitian orphans arrive at Pittsburgh airport |
19 January 2010 |
Des petits Haïtiens bientôt en Belgique pour y être adoptés |
18 January 2010 |
Snelle adoptie kinderen uit Haïti is verkeerd signaal |
18 January 2010 |
Haïti. 13 enfants susceptibles d'être adoptés bientôt en Belgique |
18 January 2010 |
U.S. Working On Processing 300 Adoptions Of Haitian Children |
18 January 2010 |
Haïti/adoption: les enfants aux dossiers complets seront évacués |
18 January 2010 |
Erhöhte Nachfrage nach Adoptionen von Kindern aus Haiti |
18 January 2010 |
Kinderhilfe: Viele Kinder in Haiti ganz allein |
18 January 2010 |
Blog - Eindelijk goed nieuws!!! (military involved?) |
17 January 2010 |
Nederland evacueert Haïtiaanse adoptiekinderen (Ministry pays costs airplaine) |
17 January 2010 |
Haïti/adoption: Kouchner répond |
17 January 2010 |
First group of evacuees, including six adoption children from Haiti, arrive back in the Netherlands |
17 January 2010 |
Er sollte nach Deutschland – Das Beben zerstörte das Glück |
17 January 2010 |
L'adoption suspendue |
16 January 2010 |
Haiti: Das Warten hat kein Ende |
16 January 2010 |
Pétition d'un collectif pour un rapatriement rapide d'Haïtiens adoptés |
16 January 2010 |
Orphaned Haitian Girl, 2, Detained At Airport |
16 January 2010 |
16-01-2010 - update aaardbeving Haïti (13.15 u) |
16 January 2010 |
Orphanage: Adoption plan needed for Haitian children |
15 January 2010 |
Child Trafficking Major Concern After Quake |
15 January 2010 |
Elsbeth Frey-Gabathuler(63) ist verzweifelt. Sie kann ihre Schwester Cécile (58) auf Haiti nicht erreichen. |
15 January 2010 |
07-01-2010 - Roots Haïti en mailing C. Gabathuler |
7 January 2010 |
Master Thesis: Internationale Illegale Adopties |
1 January 2010 |
Proposals Netherlands |
2010 |
Blog - Reisverslag Haiti (Lydie Parent) |
16 December 2009 |
Haiti Adoption - 30.000 Euro |
20 November 2009 |
Haïti : quand adoption rime avec transaction |
17 October 2009 |
A baby with HIV raises fears for many people. But is that right? |
10 October 2009 |
Blog - Dutch Adoption NAS |
3 March 2009 |
France proposes bilateral commission with Haiti to examine adoption procedures |
4 February 2009 |
French authorities visit Haiti |
22 January 2009 |
Haiti Orphan Adoption: Ensuring a Successful Transition |
21 January 2009 |
3500 VN-militairen in Haïti |
19 January 2009 |
Deutsche im 24-Stunden-Einsatz - 50 Kinder |
19 January 2009 |
Canadians wait for word on adoption of Haitian orphans |
January 2009 |
Verslag Haiti bijeenkomst bij Wereldkinderen dd 17-12-2008 |
17 December 2008 |
January 2008 |
Wereldkindren - increase price Haiti |
19 December 2007 |
"Babyexporteure" Guatemala und Haiti |
3 December 2007 |
Trafficked Children Returned Home |
10 August 2007 |
Wereldkinderen - visit Haiti - Adoption Procedure |
12 July 2007 |
Entretien avec Marlene Hofstetter |
July 2007 |
Adoption internationale, un rapport accablant |
December 2006 |
Nachwuchs auf Bestellung |
8 December 2005 |
US State Department Adoption Brochure Haiti |
December 2005 |
Annual report 2005 + 2006 - Gamini Wijewardena |
1 June 2005 |
Meeting Orphanage Director with IBESR - M. Cadet |
11 November 2004 |
Adoption grief - Zembla - BNNVARA |
21 November 2002 |
Child adoption from Haiti via Flash stopped |
28 September 2002 |
Adoptie kinderen uit Haïti via Flash gestaakt |
28 September 2002 |
Twijfels bij rol stichting in adoptie uit Haïti |
15 August 2002 |
Michelle Etnire HAITI: The Orphan Chronicles |
1 January 2000 |
KRO-team in het nauw op Haïti/TV vooraf |
8 January 1999 |
Blog: Familie Meier (Romania/Haiti) |
1 January 1999 |
Support center for adoption questions |
13 May 1998 |
Adoption von Kindern aus Haiti |
4 March 1998 |
Adoptions to NL via Belgium (Haiti) |
1985 |
The History of Holt International |