More Haitian orphans coming to Utah

6 February 2010

More Haitian orphans coming to Utah

By Brooke Adams

The Salt Lake Tribune

Updated: 02/06/2010 07:26:41 PM MST

Another 10 children from a Haitian orphanage are on their way to the U.S. with the help of a Utah adoption agency.

The children left the earthquake-ravaged country on a military jet about 5 p.m. Saturday, according to Chareyl Moyes, Haitian program director with Wasatch International Adoptions, based in Ogden. Moyes helped coordinate the children's flight.

Two Utah families are adopting children in the group, she said. That leaves just four children with completed adoption cases waiting approval from the Haitian prime minister, she said.

The adoption agency, with the help of the Utah Hospital Task Force, flew 50 Haitian orphans to Miami last week, where they were united with their new families. Another 16 children were unable to board the plane because of incomplete paperwork.

One child, an 8-year-old boy being adopted by an Eagle Mountain couple, arrived in the U.S. on Tuesday.

The Haitian and U.S. governments have cooperated in arranging humanitarian paroles for children whose adoptions were nearly finished before the earthquake destroyed much of the island country.

The children are from the Foyer de Sion orphanage.