January 2008


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IBESR (Haitian Social Services, in charge of monitoring orphanages) recently had its unannounced inspections. Here is the report we got, written by one of the moms who talked to the director:

As many of you know IBESR inspects the orphanages and provides them with the licensing they need to legally operate. Inspections are unannounced and can occur at anytime. Both PAC 1 and PAC 2 have recenty been inspected, and of course passed with flying colors. During this inspection IBESR, UNICEF, and a child advocate were all present. They evaluated both

O’s for cleanliness, staff ratios, size and room for the children, activities for the children, meals, medical care, etc.. They even

went so far as to interview three of the older children (Sonson, Louveline, and Maudeline) to assess their experiences of living at

PAC. They asked the children questions like, Are you ever hungry?, Do you have fun here? Do you feel safe? The children gave complete praise in all their answers of Marie, their nannies, and PAC.

IBESR went so far as to say that they were “proud” of Marie’s orphanage and that they wish all could be so good. They said that

even after only 4 years of running an O she is doing a better job than some that have been around for 20+ years. They also stated that the O was not overcrowded and had room for additional children, had 9 nannies at PAC 2 for at the time 37 kids (now 40). It is because of this good standing with IBESR that Marie is called by them directly to take in additional children in need of care. They know that by placing children with Marie they will be well cared for.

Of course, we parents of PAC already knew that