Haiti - Social : 154,000 Euros to fight against the abandonment of Haitian children

12 February 2012

Haiti - Social : 154,000 Euros to fight against the abandonment of Haitian children

12/02/2012 13:09:11

At the initiative of the Embassy of France in Haiti, International Adoption Service (IAS) has co-financed to the tune of 154,000 euros, a project against child abandonment of the town of Tabarre, in partnership with UNICEF, Islamic Relief French (IAD) and the organization IRN.

This initiative has three main components :

- Technical and financial support to 166 families identified

- Awareness and communication around the issue of child abandonment

- Training for staff of orphanages of the town.

This project designed and conducted in partnership with UNICEF, Islamic Relief French, and the VAI (Volunteers for Child Protection and Adoption International) based in the Embassy, responsible for issues of child protection, will allow the support of over 300 children, over a period of 9 months. The total budget for this project amounts to 329.500 euros.
