The serious consequences of disorderly adoption in Haiti

13 March 2021

Often adopted children go missing without a trace

Precariousness pushes thousands of Haitians to entrust their children to reception centers, or to have them adopted. Most of these children leave the country, without their parents having any possibility of tracking them down or hearing from them.

Many parents do not know how international adoption works. “The 'madan sara' are sometimes victims,” says journalist Michel Joseph. Having no one to look after their child, they [sometimes] entrust them to a crèche so that they can go about their business activities. When they return after eight or fifteen days, it is announced that the child has already been adopted and that he has traveled ”.

In other situations, birth parents fall victim to false promises. "Sometimes [nurseries, orphanages or foreign missions] promise them a house or money, under the pretext of sponsorship, in exchange for the child."

Michel Joseph's reports on Radio Caraibes have made it possible to link some twenty Haitian parents with their children scattered around the world. To systematize this work, the journalist has just launched on March 6, Voie d'Espoir. Several hundred parents made the trip, documents yellowed by time in hand, to launch research on children who have sometimes disappeared for decades.

No news

Originally from Petit-Goâve, Bernadette Auguste is one of the participating parents. In 2002, she gave birth to Mikerlange Louis-Jean, a girl with a black complexion, and round eyes. Since 2005, the 52-year-old shopkeeper has lived with deep regret in her soul: she has not heard from her child, whom she only had the chance to cuddle during her first three years.

Bernadette Auguste

“After the birth, I came to live with my sister in Thomassin,” says Auguste. I couldn't afford to take care of the child. I had lost my husband shortly after his birth ”. Relatives advised her to give the little girl to Yvette Cadet, who ran a church in Thomassin 38. "I was told that this lady has a 'White' who wanted to adopt two Haitian children," said Auguste.

In 2010, during a visit from Yvette Cadet, after the earthquake, Auguste received two photos of his daughter, Mikerlange Louis-Jean, who now lives in the United States. The new parents, Bruce and Judy A. Arnett, changed the girl's name, as is often the case with international adoptions. Her name is now: Hannah Joy Louis-Jean Arnett.

According to Bernadette Auguste, Yvette Cadet left Haiti permanently with her family. She always refused to put her in touch with the Arnett family.

Lack of information

Almost all of the parents interviewed do not have complete information on the orphanage where they had entrusted their children. This is the case of Fritzner Louis and Pierre Dalida, a couple married for 12 years.

Dalida Pierre and Fritzner Louis

In June 2010, Pierre Dalida gave birth to Pierre Dawensley. She never saw the child's father again after the birth. Shortly after, she began a relationship with Fritzner Louis. “Dawensley was entrusted to an orphanage at Thomassin 32, in 2011, since he was not doing well and that he could not be taken care of,” says Pierre Dalida.

Asked about the orphanage and the head of the institution, the couple did not know what to answer. The child was entrusted to the good care of "Madame John", and the main person in charge of the institution was "Miss Magalie", explains Fritzner Louis.

Pierre Dawensley left for France in December 2013. Since then, there has been total silence. The family has no more news.

Read also: Adoption in Haiti: Cry of despair

To try to remedy this situation, Voie d'Espoir intends to use several avenues. “The most important is the name of the biological parents and the original name of the adopted child,” says Joseph Michel.

The institution wishes to feed its database with information on biological parents. “We are in contact with adopted communities outside the country,” says Joseph. This database will make it easier for adoptees to search for their biological parents. In one click, they will be able to see if their profiles match the description given by parents already registered on the platform. "

Michel Joseph believes that the impact of his work, not funded by any donor, will not be immediate. "Depending on the volume of information collected over time, it will be much easier for adoptees to find the biological parents living in Haiti."

Ineffective legislation

The first law on adoption in Haiti dates from 1974. This text did not consider international adoption. It will be amended in 2013 to take this into account. Also, from 1974 to 2013, many children were adopted by foreigners without state authorization. “Most of them were bogus adoptions that could be compared to human trafficking,” says Michel Joseph.

The Institute of Social Welfare and Research is the body that receives the files of candidates for adoption and decides on relatedness, to fight the illicit trafficking of children in Haiti. According to a framework of this state structure which asks for anonymity, national adoption should be privileged. Normally, intercountry adoption is considered as a last resort when no other solution can be found in the country of origin.

The international adopter must provide an identity document; a psychological assessment document; a medical certificate ; a criminal record ; a bank statement; a letter of employment and an agreement. Fees of 20,000 gourdes are also required by the adoption service of the IBESR.

However, not all foster homes operate according to the rules laid down by law. In 2018, out of 754 spaces hosting children in Haiti, only 202 had accreditation. 139 of these spaces needed improvement, 398 were of poor quality. Three of them deserved to be "closed as a priority" because of sexual abuse, and 304 because of physical abuse. 161 centers were not found.

It is often the precariousness which pushes the families to deliver their children to nurseries or orphanages. Joseph Louista had to abandon his twins in 2004 to a nursery in Jacquet Toto, a town in Pétion-Ville. This farmer makes a living from agriculture in the city of Les Cayes. She is also a housekeeper at times.

Joseph louita

“I didn't know what to do with the children after their father died. On the advice of my sister-in-law, I placed Anchello and Anchella Joseph in this nursery. A few months later, the children left Haiti and since then I have not received any information, ”says Joseph Louista.

Like thousands of other parents, Louista hopes one day to meet her children, in good shape, and probably already accomplished professionals, in order to be able to assist her economically.

Racius Emano and Lexis Clautaire Baptiste Evelyne

Elcie fountain

Thermilus Jean Emmanuel Jean Carline
