22 January 2010


in Italy News Politics News Event


(ANSA) - Rome, January 22 - The Italian government would consider placing adoptions if Haitian children by Italian couples on a fast track were asked to do so by the Haitian government, the undersecretary for the family, Carlo Giovanardi, said on Friday.

Italy's regulations on international adoptions, he observed, "are very clear. Italy is a world leader in these matters and has no need to modify its laws. The criteria we use to allow couples to adopt abroad has earned us international credibility and each year some 4,000 children are adopted from 62 countries".

"In regard to Haiti, we intend to operate in unison with other countries. However, we are already asking couples who have applied for an international adoption whether they would be willing to take a Haitian child," the undersecetary added.

The subject of adopting Haitian children was discussed in a cabinet meeting in Rome on Friday morning as well as by European union justice ministers gathered in Toledo, Spain, for an informal meeting.

Italy was represented by Justice Minister Angelino Alfano who said that "Europe cannot be divided in its approach to such a dramatic situation in Haiti, where tens of thousands of children are homeless".

"It is inconceivable for each member country to act on their own. If Europe wants to have the credibility of speaking with a single voice, then it must absolutely adopted a common policy position," he added.

In their meeting in Toledo, also attended by the executive European Commission, the ministers decided to coordinate for Haitian orphans.

According to EC Vice President Jacques Barrot, "we need a European framework to deal with the problem of Haitian children and to do this in cooperation with UNICEF," the United Nations children's fund.

During the cabinet meeting in Rome, "it was decided to everything possible to help Haitian children survivors, also by temporarily hosting them in Italy," Equal Opportunities Minister Mara Carfagna said.

"Italian families in the past have distinguished themselves for their generosity. I am optimistic that in a relatively short period of time we will be able to welcome the first orphans from Haiti and give them the home and love they need," she added.

According to the head of UNICEF Italy, Vincenzo Spadafora, the best way to help children in Haiti "is to protect them, identify them and do everything possible to reunite them with their families".

"Only later can adopt be considered and this must be done according to existing laws. UNICEF believe that while adoption is an important solution, this cannot be rushed," he added.

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