


Title Publication date
Spanish woman’s race against time to find biological mother in India. Time left: 1 day 5 January 2025
15 years after adoption, Spanish woman returns to India in search of biological mother 5 January 2025
Searching for a homeland away from home 4 January 2025
The Child Guarantee: Phase III – “Testing the Child Guarantee in the EU Member States” 16 July 2024
Irregular adoptions in the Ethiopian-Spanish context: Strategies to redress the adoption triad 10 May 2024
How far are you willing to go for a child? 12 April 2024
Children for Sale - When Guatemalan adoption became big business April 2024
Gondomar couple arrested for international child trafficking 20 March 2024
Is the end coming for intercountry adoption in Europe? 26 January 2024
Irregular adoptions in the Ethiopian-Spanish context: Strategies to redress the adoption triad 2024
50 children adopted from child welfare council in past six months 22 November 2023
European Parliament takes a step against surrogacy 6 October 2023
Human trafficking: MEPs want strong focus on victims’ rights 5 October 2023
“Finally legitimacy!” : after five years of procedures, Valérie is recognized as the mother of his children 14 May 2023
What to Do If Your Adopted Child is Looking for Their Biological Mother 25 March 2023
Gay couples lead adoption applications in Malaga province 28 February 2023
Colombia’s surrogacy market: Buying a baby for $4,000 4 January 2023
Abandoned girl child from Assam adopted by Spanish professor 13 December 2022
Taken Under Fascism, Spain’s ‘Stolen Babies’ Are Learning the Truth 27 September 2022
Arrest of the Spanish Jacques Seguela for rape of minors 10 August 2022
Vigilance on European Commission’s Initiative on the Recognition of Parenthood Between Member States 1 July 2022
Donor detectives expose cheating 28 February 2022
Babies stolen by the Pinochet regime embarrassing Sweden 1 January 2022
Largest acquisition for FutureLife: takeover of assisted reproduction clinics in the Netherlands 1 November 2021
Spanish (19) who was switched in an incubator as a baby, demands three million in damages 8 September 2021
"Adoption has a hidden face, it brings complicated situations" 14 June 2021
23andMe sold the rights to a drug it developed from its genetic database 10 January 2020
First of Spain’s confirmed “stolen babies” finds family through DNA bank 11 July 2019
Abandoned on train, 9-year-old gets Spanish parents 30 June 2019
'My birth mother deserves an apology': Forced to give her up for adoption 31 March 2019
3 kids given for adoption abroad on fake papers 21 November 2018
Couples from US, Spain, Italy lead in inter-country adoptions 4 September 2018
Spanish couple abandon adopted Indian child, Bhopal agency under the scanner 22 August 2018
Woman from Spain adopts Chhindwara girl 13 May 2018
Dolors Montserrat proposes a State Pact for Children based on the promotion, protection and participation of minors in society 24 January 2018
Visakhapatnam: Spanish woman adopts girl child 13 December 2017
The Congress gives the Government three months to approve the regulation that should speed up international adoptions 18 May 2017
Human Microchipping, The Benefits And Downsides 23 April 2017
Accessing adoption files and information on the biological family | European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights 2017
Brabants echtpaar veroordeeld voor illegale adoptie 31 December 2016
Spanish pair forced to return 'adopted son' to birth mother 13 September 2016
European Parliament: Briefing - Adoption of children in the European Union 1 June 2016
Abandoned at 1, child finds home in Spain 26 December 2015
Children 'kidnapped' from care home by father found in their mother's house 6 June 2015
The Ethiopian court overturns adoption at two Spanish couples 28 August 2014
Two Spanish couples should returned their adopted children in Ethiopia by bureaucratic problems 10 August 2014
Italians continue to lead in the number of Russian adoptions 7 July 2014
Nora is the first child in Romania who will be adopted by Americans. How many minors are gone in families from other countries 1 March 2014
Las adopciones internacionales van en caída libre desde 2004 9 September 2013
Misguided Saviors: An Analysis of International Adoption Issues and Necessary Considerations for Prospective Adoptive Parents 1 September 2013
Misguided Saviors: An Analysis of International Adoption Issues and Necessary Considerations for Prospective Adoptive Parents 1 September 2013
Spain: The prosecutor asked four years in prison for the charge of failed adoptions in Congo 15 April 2013
Morocco tightens adoption rules, Spanish families hit hard 13 April 2013
Morocco: justice minister, moratorium on int'l adoptions 8 October 2012
Kyrgyzstan has temporarily banned international adoptions 26 July 2012
TLCH adoptions break CARA rule 16 February 2012
Spain's Stolen Baby Scandal 4 October 2011
Die verschwundenen Kinder von El Salvador 29 August 2011
Spain's baby market 4 August 2011
Martínez-Mora Charlebois, Laura - Children in Institutions: The beginning of the end? 20 July 2011
Courts shine light on Spain's child-trade shame 10 July 2011
Spain probes 849 cases of alleged baby trafficking 17 June 2011
Blog - Ahope/Kingdom vision 1 March 2011
Spanish mother reunited with daughter she was told had died at birth 20 February 2011
Prosecutor demands to the case of the adoption of children from Russia considered Court of Madrid 11 February 2011
Hundreds of Spanish babies 'stolen from clinics and sold for adoption' 27 January 2011
The 30,000 lost children of the Franco years are set to be saved from oblivion 2 January 2011
Spanish couple will adopt kid abandoned by mother 10 August 2010
US tops list of adoptions from India 9 August 2010
Spain Orders Judge to Return Salary Over Gay Adoption Trial 28 July 2010
Spain, Italy suspend adoption from Nepal 14 July 2010
Guatemala: Frustrated, Chief of Corruption Panel Resigns 9 June 2010
UN leader tasked with Guatemala crime woes resigns 7 June 2010
Cuando cerraron los “baby shops” de Rumania 31 May 2010
The experts call that children adopted abroad to maintain contact with his biological family 8 May 2010
Russia drafts agreements on adoption with several European countries 29 April 2010
KENYA: Climate Change, Poverty and Tourists put Maasai Daughters at Risk 16 April 2010
Children or commodities? 17 March 2010
War child trafficking between Bosnia and Italy 1 March 2010
IAWG urges better adoption process 24 February 2010
Nepal 'should suspend' adoptions 5 February 2010
Spanish judge rejects 'baby-theft' probe 1 February 2010
Adopción de niños en Haití no es buena idea según la Comision Europea 25 January 2010
No EU plan foreseen to fast-track adoptions of Haiti children 25 January 2010
EU urged to fast-track adoptions from Haiti: Spanish presidency 22 January 2010
Las ONG desaconsejan las adopciones de niños en Haití tras el terremoto 21 January 2010
Foreign adoption not illegal, says high court 5 November 2009
Italians make best parents for adopted Indian children 19 October 2009
Girls seized, handed over for adoption 2 July 2009
Reported theft of girls from families to give them up for adoption by foreigners 1 July 2009
Peru is a valid option to adopt a child 2 June 2009
Woman moves HC to get back grandkids 11 April 2009
Nepalese parents claim their children adopted in Spain - Whistleblowers NGOs in the delivery of children with local family 3 March 2009
French authorities visit Haiti 22 January 2009
Kids from another country, with a past 21 January 2009
Embassies push for transparency in adoptions 7 December 2008
Trade of Children (Voice of Children) 13 June 2008
Blog: The Translator of Joy 9 March 2008
Inside Story of an Adoption Scandal - Arun Dohle 2008
Niños arrancados en Etiopía 17 December 2007
La Fiscalía peruana solicita a Isabel Pantoja que vuelva a aclarar la adopción de su hija 8 September 2006
Romanian child abused in Spain 11 June 2006
Spanish Adoption Rates Hit All-Time High 4 May 2005
Danut, orphan requested by the Spanish, no longer can stay in Madirjac 17 February 2005
British men falsify paternity to adopt Romanian babies 10 October 2004
list of granted large scale projects under section 5 2000- 2002 30 October 2003
Verheugen rules out Romanian adoption help 29 May 2002
Adoptii ilegale 28 June 2001
"In Romania, coruptia este o metastaza" 1 January 2000
Straini ademeniti cu copii de infiat si jefuiti de intermediarii romani 23 November 1999
Report on Human Rights and the Process of NATO Enlargement 1 June 1997
Dozens of Spanish couples 'bought' children in illegal adoption in Romania 1 November 1996
Legislation for inter-country adoption in Spain 30 June 1995
Braziliaanse van illegale adoptie baby's verdacht 24 February 1983
Spanish civil code on adoption
In addition, in the case of Absalonsen, her adoptive father had a criminal record, which should have barred him from adopting a child. Some of her family and friends have questioned her need for justice. "Not everybody understands the nature of the narr
In addition, in the case of Absalonsen, her adoptive father had a criminal record, which should have barred him from adopting a child. Some of her family and friends have questioned her need for justice. "Not everybody understands the nature of the narr