Couples from US, Spain, Italy lead in inter-country adoptions

4 September 2018

As many as 445 children have found a new life through inter-country adoptions this year.

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Hyderabad: Couples from the US, Italy and Spain have adopted 50 per cent of children given in inter-country adoptions over a five year period. Girl children continue to be more preferred. Since 2013, the rate of adoption by couples in the three countries, France, the UAE, Canada and the UK have seen an increase. In 2013-14, US families adopted over 160 Indian children which dipped to 138 but rose to 222 and 213 in the subsequent years and 203 so far in 2018.

Similarly, Spanish couples adopted 43 Indian children in 2013, the numbers rising to 56 and 64 in the subsequent years. The number then fell to 61 but Spanish couples have adopted 66 children so far this year. As many as 445 children have found a new life through inter-country adoptions this year.

In a recent case, a childless NRI couple, Arvind and Jyoti Somachi, whose roots lie in Andhra Pradesh, adopted a girl child and her brother. The scientist couple from San Franciso had enrolled with CARA and was sent a list of children from various homes. After hearing the story of four-year-old Kinjal and her brother, whose parents had died in a road accident, the couple decided to adopt both of them.
