Visakhapatnam: Spanish woman adopts girl child

13 December 2017

District collector Pravin Kumar hands over baby Sarayu for adoption to Vennisa Christina Sathur from Spain at his office in Vizag on Tuesday. (Photo: DC)

District collector Pravin Kumar hands over baby Sarayu for adoption to Vennisa Christina Sathur from Spain at his office in Vizag on Tuesday. (Photo: DC)

Visakhapatnam: A two-year-old orphan girl child from Visakhapatnam has found a new home in Spain. A single woman from Spain adopted a two-year-old girl child from Visakhapatnam here on Tuesday. After the rules and regulation as per the guidelines of the Central Adoption Resource Authority followed, district collector Pravin Kumar handed over the girl child to Vennisa Christina Sathur, a Spain citizen. District Child Protection Officer A. Satyanarayana was also present. The girl child’s name is Sarayu.

He said the woman had applied seeking adoption through online platform of the CARA. In 2016-17, Americans, Italians and Spanish nationals adopted most Indian children. According to Child Protection officials, the changes made two years ago has made little easier for foreign nationals to adopt special needs and older children, who are now moved sooner to the list of prospective adoptive children for foreign nationals if they are not picked for adoption by Indian nationals after a specified period of time.

Moreover, the Foreign Ministry is no longer insisting on a separate birth certificate to issue a passport to an adopted child. The court order which is necessary for adoption will suffice as proof of birth date. Instead of running from pillar to post to obtain a birth certificate, especially for orphans and abandoned children, foreigners can get an Indian passport for their adopted children based only on the court order.
