The Congress gives the Government three months to approve the regulation that should speed up international adoptions

18 May 2017

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The Congress gives the Government three months to approve the regulation that should speed up international adoptions

The plenary of the Congress has approved on Thursday a motion urged by the Citizens to demand that the Government, within three months, approve the regulation of the Law to modify the system of protection of children and adolescents, which is pending since 2015 And with which it seeks to unblock international adoptions.

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5/18/2017 1:13 PM


The plenary of the Congress has approved on Thursday a motion urged by the Citizens to demand that the Government, within three months, approve the regulation of the Law to modify the system of protection of children and adolescents, which is pending since 2015 And with which it seeks to unblock international adoptions.

This is a Citizens' initiative, as a result of an interpellation to the Minister of Health, Social Affairs and Equality, Dolors Montserrat, with which the orange training denounces that the lack of regulation in this matter has meant a limitation of any adoption procedure Since the staff in charge of the management of this procedure have not been designated and steps have not yet been taken to open up avenues of adoption in new countries.

As reported in the debate by Congresswoman Patricia Reyes, international adoption "has fallen drastically, from 5,541 in 2010 to 824 in 2014," which means a decrease of 85 percent. Similarly, it indicates that Spain, despite having signed bilateral agreements in this area with 40 countries, "only effectively uses 6 countries", while the EU "has open roads with 45 other countries."

With the implementation of this regulation, Citizens wants the Government to turn international adoptions into a "priority issue" on the political agenda and, once work is started, to push for openness with other countries that Respond to the more than 33,000 adoptive families in Spain that are on hold, as well as the least of those countries that are in a situation of lack of protection.


The motion, supplemented by amendments by Unidos Podemos, has also garnered the support of the PSOE and even of the PP, although its spokesman, Marta González, has already made it impossible to fulfill in three months everything that is proposed in the motion.

For the PP, the fall of international adoptions in recent years is not a consequence of the Executive's management, since the Executive "has not made restrictive legislative changes" in this matter. "If the number of adopted children has fallen, it is due to variations in the situation of the countries of origin of the children

Said Marta Gonzalez in the debate. The first 15 receiving countries adopted children, including Spain, adopted in 2014 70 percent less than in 2010. "

For its part, both Esquerra (ERC) and PDeCAT have voted against the motion, highlighting discrepancies in powers, while the PNV has opted for abstention.


The approved motion also calls on the Government to improve and standardize the system of processing, suspension or prohibition of adoptions, improving the transparency of the same and making it easier for applicants to access the documentation related to their process. "We will review the protocols and information provided to adopting families in previous interviews," the text said.

In addition, a central register of adoptive families and children that can be adopted throughout Spain is called for "better coordination and streamlining" of the processes.

Citizens have agreed to include in their text an amendment by Unidos Podemos which calls for the creation of a team specializing in international adoptions. As explained by the deputy of the formation David Carracedo, now the competence on this matter falls on the Spanish consuls in the country of origin of the child, who "have to be exposed" to possible responsibilities if something goes wrong in phases after the process.

Similarly, the request has been joined for the Government to encourage residential reception, not only in the case of children under three years, as the current regulations. Carracedo said that a child in a shelter costs the state 3,000 euros per month, because "for less money a family can support a child" that will have a more favorable environment for growth.

Temas relacionados Partido Popular Dolors Montserrat Apertura ERC PNV PSOE Ciudad
