Nora is the first child in Romania who will be adopted by Americans. How many minors are gone in families from other countries

1 March 2014

Nora is the first child in Romania who will be adopted by Americans. How many minors are gone in families from other countries

1 March 2014


11 children adopted by the new law on adoptions will now live abroad. Monday will leave a girl of 6 years in the United States and 10 other minors already have families in other 3 countries.

Nora, the girl who will arrive in San Diego, was abandoned at birth and was denied several Romanian families. Now, 6 years old, will enjoy a welcoming home and overseas brothers.

"We have two biological boys, 22 and 15 years, and now we have the third baby, third baby, as my mother says, Nora . just turned six years and became our daughter, " says Alina Kleinhenz , adoptive mother.

In a few days, will leave his wife Nora Kleinhenz to San Diego, where already waiting two brothers and a new home: a home with 5 bedrooms, one of which will be hers. Alina, 20 years left in the country, has dual citizenship. She and her husband are the first Americans to adopt a Romanian child. The proceedings lasted four months.

"He was the maternal family home, in a room that looked like this, and there I knew. Was very shy, but she was enthusiastic.

- You had doubts take a child who has a past?

- I , not at all. Children are children, " says Kenneth Kleinhenz , adoptive father.

Since April 2012, when the adoption law changed, 58 applications were submitted by Romanian citizens resident abroad for adoption a minor. 38 cases have already been completed, and in 11 cases the court pronounced and adoption. All these children, once abused, abandoned and protected with large gaps of the Romanian state, are preparing to leave the country with their new families.

Other six children were adopted by the Romanians in Italy. Besides Nora, another four minors will reach overseas, in Canada and the United States. A little girl refused so far to those who wanted a child in the country will go to a couple residing in Spain.