Arrest of the Spanish Jacques Seguela for rape of minors
10 August 2022

Arrest of one of the most influential men in Spain, the communicator and consultant Nacho Jacob (his real name is Ignacio de Jacob y Gomez), 41, called "The Count of the Sweet Wells" (Conde de Pozos Dulzes) royalist and affirmed and assumed Catholic. He was caught red-handed in a room at the Nelva Hotel in Murcia, on July 19, 2022. Other sources inform that he was caught in the hotel parking lot. The police have already managed to identify 3 other victims and are looking for others whom the police presume are numerous.

He is a partner of the Vicente Ferrer Foundation and collaborator of “Nuevo Futuro” and “Terre des Hommes”, which promotes the development of the most disadvantaged children In an interview given in 2020 to the magazine Mujer Hoy, he answered the question of knowing if children are among the groups that concerned him the most. His answer: 'I remember that, as a young man, I started in San Cristóbal, with Father Ángel, helping excluded children, with significant social uprooting'.

He is the founder of Jacob Fitzgerald Events & Communication. More than 2000 prestigious events organized around the world from Paris to Miami via Los Angeles.

His career in the world of public relations and communication has earned him numerous distinctions, such as the Dove of Peace, which was awarded to him by the "Fundación Mensajeros de la Paz", jointly with the King Queen of Spain, the Pompidou Prize for Communication which he received in Paris from the hands of Leonardo Di Caprio or the “European Citizen Prize” granted by the Europa Forum.

The aforementioned police sources confirm that Nacho Jacob has already hired the criminal lawyer Raúl Pardo-Geijo, named Spain's best lawyer in criminal law in 2020 by the prestigious legal publishers Client Choice and Best Lawyers.

Among Nacho Jacob's clients are the transnationals: Disney, L'Oreal, Playstation, Coca-Cola and Apple

For the moment, the lawyer has not responded to any of the calls made by this newspaper in view of the public repercussions of the arrest of this image consultant who was received by three Presidents of the United States: Bill Clinton , Barack Obama. and Donald Trump.

All this, without forgetting his circle of friends: from the singer Julio Iglesias, to Jean-Paul Gaultier (with whom he shares his summers in Ibiza, he says in another article), for whom he has organized parades, passing by former footballer David Beckham and his wife, Victoria Adams and last but not least Roman Polanski.

Nacho Jacob's reputation is worldwide. He organized, among others, the Marrakech International Film Festival, or the "Dedales de Oro Awards", one of the highest awards in Spanish fashion, chaired by Princess Beatriz of Orléans.

Ignacio de Jacob y Gómez's advice on image, lifestyle, protocols or non-verbal communication was so appreciated by politicians, businessmen, senior executives, elite athletes and singers, that he was told that his schedule was full until 2025.

However, it seems that his arrest will upset his plans and he will now have serious difficulties cleaning up his…. image.